P. 125

Teacher’s Report

               The students of Grade VII and VIII gave an overwhelming response to
               all the ISA project related activities conducted in the months of January

               and February. The students were asked to conduct a survey on world
               heritage sites through internet at home as during that time the school

               computer lab could not be made available to them. The survey was
               followed by the activity of making scrap book. The scrap books made

               by students were displayed and the parents were invited to the witness
               the creative work of their wards. It was indeed a proud moment for the


               The students were shown PPT on World Monuments which aroused

               their  interest  in  the  same.  There  was  a  House  wise  competition  for
               displaying on the notice boards the pictures and articles on the ‘World

               Monuments’  theme.  The  students  gathered  information  on  different
               monuments  for  the  Board  Decoration.  This  ISA  activity  served  the

               purpose of instilling in the minds of the students a sense of pride for the
               World Monuments.

               The model making activity tapped the hidden talent of the students. The
               beautiful models made by the students were exhibited in the library.

               Through drawing competition, the students displayed their creative and
               artistic abilities. Thanks to all the ISA activities, the students learnt to

               appreciate  the  importance  of  the  World  Historical  monuments  and
               realized the need to preserve them.

               The project teacher in-charge

               Sheeja Menon
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