P. 157
The ISA project on Global Women Achievers glorifed the
achievements of women achievers across the globe. The project aimed
to instil in the minds of students a sense of pride for Women Achievers
and enlighten their minds with the work of Mother Teresa, Oprah
Winfrey, Auang San Su Ki and Malala from India, U.S.A, Myanmar
and Pakistan respectively. The project met with great success as
students gave an overwhelming response to all the activities.
8 March every year is observed every year as International Women’s
Day to celebrate the essence of womanhood and honour women for
their remarkable contribution to society. 8 March was dedicated to
honour the Global Women Achievers by organising Essay and
Elocution competitions on the theme ‘My favourite Woman Achiever.’
Yusuf Khan, a student of Grade IX gave a Power Point Presentation to
explain the hurdles faced by women and enlightened the students about
the achievements of Indian women and women across the globe.
The students were asked to read the books on Women Achievers. The
librarian, Mrs Komal Bhatia extended her kind co-operation and
provided books which the students asked for. The Quiz Contest was
organised to test the knowledge of the students about the work of
Global Women Achievers. There was fancy dress competition instead
of role play competition for group leaders as mentioned in the action
plan in order to provide opportunities to more number of students to
showcase their talent. The participants played the characters of Women
Achievers they loved. The ISA project on Global Women Achievers
was truly inspirational.
The project teacher in-charge
Manju Muthaliyar