P. 179


               Women  are  the  real  architects  of  society.  Today,  women  are  attaining  great
               heights  from  heading  male-dominated  corporate  firms,  becoming  worldwide
               sensations  to  pursuing  their  passions  in  politics,  art,  sports,  music  literature,
               glamour world and so on. The ISA project on Global Women Achievers was a
               tribute to them through different activities. The project enlightened the students
               about  the  contribution  of  Global  Women  Achievers  and  the  difference  these

               incredible women have made to the world.

               The students were asked to read books and carry out research on the women
               achievers across the globe. The students were proud to read the inspiring struggle
               of Global Women Achievers who surmounted all obstacles that came their way
               and  scaled  great  heights  in  their  respective  fields  with  sheer  determination,
               perseverance, grit and courage. The students learnt from the success stories of

               women  achievers  that  strong  women  aren’t  born,  they  are  forged  through
               challenges.  The  insightful  students  portrayed  the  character  of  their  favourite
               woman achiever in fancy dress competition.

                ISA activities like Elocution and Essay Writing on the theme ‘My Favourite
               Woman  Achiever’  received  overwhelming  response.  These  activities  were
               conducted on 8  March’ as a mark of tribute by the children to their favourite
               Woman Achiever on International Women’s Day.The large participation of the
               children in these competitions was testimony to the respect the Global Women
               Achievers command. PPT and Quiz Contest intended to make the children aware
               of the significant contribution of Women Achievers of their own country and
               those across the globe. Every activity of this ISA project was in a way saluting

               the contribution of Global Women Achievers.

               ‘Woman is a symbol of dignity, culture and respect. Let us respect every woman
               on this earth.’
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