P. 60
The months of October, November and December were dedicated to
the ISA project on Food. As the very title of the project ‘Eat right to be
bright globalite’ suggests, the aim of the project was to inculcate right
food habits in the students so that they grow up to be healthy and bright
global citizens. The students were shown Power Point Presentation by
the guest lecturer, Mrs Mona to highlight the importance of nutritious
food and ill-effects of junk food. She also interacted with the students
to know their eating habits. It was an enlightening session.
Through the non-flammable cooking activity the little children
exhibited their culinary skills by making healthy salad and bhel which
they relished eating at the end of the competition.
The students formed food pyramid, a graphic used to illustrate good
eating habits. The purpose of this activity was teach the little children
the importance of a balanced diet. The fancy dress competition was
enjoyed by one and all. The children were dressed as fruits, vegetables
and cuisines of different countries were a feast for the eyes. The
teachers also conducted activities like making of menu card and recipe
book. The ISA project on Food inculcated healthy eating habits in
children through different activities.
The project teacher in-charge
Sneha Chettiar