Page 5 - Vivek Vidyalaya
P. 5

150 students participated in the mega event.  They expressed themselves in more than 15
               different languages.  Alongside Photo exhibition was held depicting the life of Gandhiji.
               All the participants were felicitated with a certificate and a book on Gandhiji.  Students
               were provided with refreshments and bottled water.

               Students of N.S.S Wing (Degree College) took charge of managing the crowd and few
               students of Degree College adorned the role of photographers.

               At  the  entrance  feedback  registers  were  kept  for  the  visitors.  The  event  ended  in  the
               evening by 4.p.m.


               Chief Guest, Shri. D Sivanandhan described it as a rare event.  He requested the school
               authorities  to  make  space  to  set  up  a  notice  board  whereby  the  students  would  be
               encouraged to write on a daily basis, Gandhi’s thoughts.

               Through this event, Vivek Education Society has demonstrated that every language is a
               national  language  and  the  real  glory  of  India  lies  in  preserving  and  celebrating  the
               majestic beauty of  each language.

               This event highlighted the importance of respecting and learning our mother tongue and
               other regional languages.

               None  the  less,  students  also  understood  the  Gandhian  values  and  principles  which  is
               and will be relevant in years to come.


                     This event will go a long way in boosting the confidence of the participants.
                     Through  Gandhian  ethos,  the  students  will  learn  some  core  tenets  –  Social
                       awareness, Self-reliance, Non-violence etc.
                     It provided the students a platform to express themselves and thereby enhance
                       their oratory skills.
                     They understood the need to have a goal in life and how that one goal can help in

                       transforming one self.
                     The students will learn to respect each other’s mother tongue and other regional
                       and international languages.


                     Articles, wall hanging and Charkha  --- Mumbai Sarvodaya Mandal

                     Reference books – Mani Bhavan


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