P. 5

ELC590 Activity 7: Mock Pitching –
  Setup your gaming with Logitech G
                                                                                                      page 5 of 62 pages



                                                                               DR. ROSSITAH SELAMAT  DR. RHAHIMI JAMIL  TS. AZHANI ARIFFIN
   Product Description                                        Methodology
   (Penerangan Produk)                                        (Kaedah)
                                                                     DESIGNING FRAMEWORK
   An increase of pathogenic bacteria in river water is a concern as it is the main precursor to   Conceptual theory and principle
   health hazard disinfection in conventional drinking water treatment systems. One possibility
   of growing interest in water utilities is the technology of riverbank filtration (RBF). RBF is a   Characteristic of main component
   new method that could introduce non-chemical techniques and natural treatments in   Design and develop model components   NUMERICAL METHOD ANSYS MAXWELL
   Malaysia. Although RBF systems are efficient in reducing or removing the concentrations of  Water sampling at Sungai Kerian & Riverbank    Model setup and simulation
   contaminants, they are mostly ineffective in the removal of pathogenic bacteria especially  PHSAE  1 (objective 1&2)  (tube well)   Parameter model : frequency  (f ), magnetic
   during flood and wet seasons. Therefore, this product designed to remove E. coli pathogens  In-situ measurement and Laboratory    field (β), number of coil turn N, diameter coil
   that considered to be of high risk to human health, and potentially present in source water  (D coil ), diameter column (D column )
   used for drinking. Magnetic Field Pipe (MF-Pipe) are specially designed to remove germs  Physical and Biological parameters: Colour,
   and bacteria E. coli in the finished drinking water for safe to drink. MF-Pipe has three main  turbidity, temperature, DO, pH, TDS, E. coli
   components namely generators, low electromagnetic field pipes and IoT control. These  LF-EMF Exposure
   components fully designed according to the suitability of the system to treat all types of  Validation
   liquids especially for water. Low frequency electromagnetic field system that non-ionising  PHASE 2 (objective 3)  Model   No
   radiations used as a removal of E. coli was design for treatment technique to improve the  Yes
   performance of RBF. Therefore, MF-Pipe is the latest method of water treatment systems  Removal of E. coli using magnetic pipe test run
   that do not use chemicals in the disinfection process.
   Problem Statement                                           Result & Analysis
   (Penyataan Masalah)                                         (Keputusan & Analisis)
          E. Coli is pathogenic bacteria in groundwater sources and harder to remove by
          conventional treatment processes.
                                                                                  Effectiveness of MF-Pipe
            Chemical disinfection processes are the frequently used methods for removal
            of E. coli but these method are risk to consumers and produce disinfection
            by-products in the finished drinking water                Magnetic Field (mT)
             Riverbank filtration process through the riverbank aquifers is incapable of   Run  Simulation Experimental
             fully eliminating the microorganisms from river water
                                                                 1     12       11.2
            Further treatment is required to continue reducing E. coli concentrations to   2  12  14.2
            prevent the possibility of harmful disinfection by-product formation.
                                                                 3     12       13.0
          Alternatively, MF-Pipe system that non-ionising radiations used as a removal of
          E. coli was proposed for treatment technique to improve the performance of   4  12  12.03
                                                                 5     12       11.0
    Objectives                                                                    Removal Rate of E. Coli

                                                                    Percentage of E. coli removal.  Percentage of E. coli removal.
                                                                        Q 1  = 50mL/min             Q 2 = 100mL/min
   Innovation Highlight                                        Commercial Value
   (Kekuatan Inovasi)                                          (Nilai Komersial)

   Introducing 1st product for disinfection process in water treatment that can remove  Potential used for control of infectious diseases caused by E. coli
    pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli, in the water source.
                                                                such as Urinary tract infection (UTI; most common), Enteric
                                                                infection (certain strains), Invasive infection (rare, except in
                                                                neonates), Infection at other sites
                                                               Can be used by drinking water managers and operators, regulators,
                                                                academics and stakeholders around the issue of water quality and
                                                               Very effective in removal of E. coli that are the most numerous
    The only system available in the market that non-ionising radiations used to removal of E.   aerobic commensal inhabitants of the large intestine
    coli                                                       New method that non-ionizing radiations and non-chemical
    The only Non-Chemical disinfection processes available in the market that can remove E.   disinfection process by-products in the finished drinking water.
    coli in the water.
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