P. 6
ELC590 Activity 7: Mock Pitching –
Setup your gaming with Logitech G
page 6 of 62 pages
Inventors: Ts. Dr Bong Siaw Wee, Ts. Dr Chen Wong Keong, Diana anak Ringgau
Politeknik Mukah, Sarawak
Problem Statements
Product Background
i. Traditional teaching methods are often known as “chalk and talk”, as
i. Mobile (M) learning has been expanded to all educational they involve teachers standing at the front of the class, writing on a
sectors as learning multiple contexts through social and content board and explaining concepts to their students. Hence, this will cause
resources. some students are not attentive in class and do not naturally have the
ii. Learning through digital devices have become a new trend in a motivation to learn.
new digitization era which could enable students to access all the ii. Nowadays, teaching and learning in traditional classrooms need to be
information within minutes or even seconds. transformed by following the development of technological
iii. Therefore, Smart Computer Networking Fundamentals innovation. Today, students are taught with e-learning and m-learning
which will have a good impact on our new education system.
Application (CNF App) for the DEC30023 Computer
Networking Fundamentals course was developed for iii.Currently, google site has emerged as a popular platform of online
mobile learning to provide high-quality and practical involvement of google site used as learning platforms.
learning to Polytechnic Students.
iv. Students utilize smart devices to access digital resources through iv.Therefore, Smart CNF App for DEC30023 Computer Networking
Fundamentals Couse was developed by using Google Sites as an app
Smart CNF App and immerse in personalized and seamless development platform and google drive as app data storage.
Objectives Innovation Highlight
i. To design the platform for CNF App for Computer Networking i. This innovation project is a new platform to gather all the related
Fundamentals Course. teaching and learning materials, such as notes, slides, lab sheets,
tutorial, videos, online quiz, workbook, and others for computer
ii. To encourage and instigate the learning interest in computer networking fundamentals course.
networks and increase student satisfaction and performance.
ii. This app can be achieved anywhere and at any time without limit.
iii.To analyse the effectiveness of this innovation for students in
learning the Computer Networking Fundamentals Course. iii. By using this app can reducing the use of raw materials, cost savings,
and environmentally friendly.
Conclusion Commercial Values
i. Smart CNF App for Computer Networking Fundamentals Couse was This Smart CNF Application can become an education learning application
developed successfully using Google Sites as an app development platform for other courses and it is marketable to related students. This
platform and google drive as app data storage. application could support varies types of apparatus, such as personal
ii. This App also could be downloaded from google playstore. computer, android smart phone or iOS smart phone. This application also
iii. Lecturers and students could access this app easily through a has been registered MyIPO Copyright with the application / case
variety of instruments. number LY2022Q03709. This Innovation application can be sold for
RM10 each user access.
Picture or Diagram:
Figure 3: Full-screen computer browser Figure 4: Self-learning
view of the CNF App in laptop (Theory Class)
Figure : Students used the Smart CNF Figure 6: Self-learning
Figure 1: Icon for Smart CNF App Figure 2: Front View for Smart CNF App App during the lecture class (Practical Work Class)