P. 11

page 11 of 62 pages

      Warning                                                                   PRODUCT ID:  ICRIPE23-MP-76
                                                                                 PRODUCT ID:  ICRIPE23-MP-76

                                    WAKEUP SHOCK SYSTEM
                                    W    A   K   E  U   P     S   H   O    C   K     S   Y   S   T  E   M

     Supervisor:          Inventor:
    ABD RAHMAN       AHMAD NAQIB ABDUL SAMAD  Objective                                 INNOVATION HIGHLIGHT

                                            1. To  develop  warning  wake-up  shock  system  The products multiple function and
      BACKGROUND                             circuit,  which  control  the  light,  fan,  buzzer,  outputs
                                             LCD  display  and  SMS  notification  by  Arduino  Easy handling.
      Project combined an alarm with lamp and  Uno.                                     Operating costs saving.
      fan.                                  2. To analyze the circuit that control the system  Eco-friendly product.
      Once the time has been set to wake up at  3. To  monitor  of  the  user's  status  by  sending  Less maintenance.
      a  certain  time,  the  buzzer  will  sound  information via SMS to others who have been  Time saving.
      loudly.                                tasked with assisting in waking them up.   Technological improvement.
      The lamp will turn on and the fan will turn
      off automatically.                      DESIGN SOLUTIONS
      To stop the alarm sound, the user needs
      to  place  a  fingerprint  to  turn  off  the  Three  sections:  Input,
      system.                              Main   Process,   and
      This is different from the alarm clock on a  Output.
      watch  or  mobile  phone  which  is  easy  to
      stop.                                Input:
      SMS  will  be  sent  to  the  monitoring  Keypad input to set
      person to inform the user that has woken  the alarm time,
      up.                                    displayed on the
      If  the  user  does  not  place  a  fingerprint,  LCD.
      the alarm will continue ringing.       Fingerprint  -  after
      Monitoring  person  will  receive  the  SMS  the alarm triggered,
      inform  the  user's  condition  is  not  waking  user  need  to  enroll
      up after 3 to 5 minutes.
                                             the  fingerprint  to
                                             stop the alarm.
     PROBLEM STATEMENT                     Main Process:              Output:
                                                                         Divide two scenarios: Wakeup and no wakeup.
      Waking up early in the morning is a difficult  Arduino Mega        Alarm setting using keypad, signal send to  Arduino.
      routine for teenagers, especially students.  microcontroller as the  The microcontroller send signal to the relay to turn on
      Due to the habit like to sleep late at night  primary engine for these  the light, turn off the fan and buzzer sound loudly.
      because  of  doing  assignments,  group  components and systems.   To stop the alarm ringing, user use their fingerprint. If
      discussions and some of them spend time  Arduino  system  -  receive  not alarm still ringing.
      with games.                             the  signal  from  the  alarm  Arduino send a signal to IOT system (GSM module  -
      The  way  that  is  often  used  to  wake  up  and send the programmed  SIM900).
      early  is  setting  the  alarm  clock.  However,  to output.       SMS will send information to monitoring person.
      this method has no effect for them to wake                                    CONCLUSIONS
      up immediately.
      Impact of this, students late to go to class.                                 Warning  wake-up  shock  system  project
                                                                                    was  created  to  help  users,  especially
     COMMERCIAL VALUES                                                              students   who   have   erratic   sleep
                                                                                    schedules and find it difficult to wake up.
    1.  University student or High school.                                          The project has a lot of potential in terms
    2. 18–25-year-olds who struggle with waking                                     of  helping  people's  health  by  improving
      up late and how it affects their careers.                                     symptoms  like  microsleep,  stroke,  and
    3. Parents  who  have  children  who  find  it                                  other  things  that  are  caused  by  not
      difficult to wake up early in the morning.                                    sleeping enough or working too much.

                                           WARNING WAKEUP SHOCK SYSTEM         Scan Here: Watch Video

                  Source: Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi  PRODUCT ID: ICrIPE23-MP-76  Project Operation
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