Page 19 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 19
A Teacher’s Dilemma
most of the time. And as far as I know, he loves watching
television news daily.”
“That’s a great idea!” said Deepu’s father. “I’ll go and tell
him we will give him a TV set in return for one month of
tutoring our three children.”
“Yes, yes. You should go. And tell us what he says,” said
Sonia’s mother.
Deepu’s father took off for Mr. Ramshankar’s house
immediately. He arrived on his doorstep and rang the bell.
Mr. Ramshankar opened the door, took one look at him
and began closing it without saying a word.
“Wait…wait, Mr. Ramshankar. I’ve come to make you an
offer you can’t refuse. Please be so gracious as to accept
it,” said Deepu’s father.
“What is it?” asked the old teacher.
“We are going to gift you a high definition TV set. We are
proud of having a teacher like you in our community.
Please accept it and take our children for one month of
tuitions,” he said.
Mr. Ramshankar was glued to the floor upon hearing this.
He could not believe his ears. He had been saving to buy
a new TV set since a long time, and he still did not have 19