Page 17 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 17

A Teacher’s Dilemma

                  “It takes 20 years to build a

               reputation and five minutes to

               ruin it. If you think about that,

                 you'll do things differently.”

                                  ~ Warren Buffett


                            A Teacher’s Dilemma

           Mr. Ramshankar was a Physics teacher in the old part of
           Delhi. For more than 20 years, he had taught aspiring boys
           and girls who wanted to be engineers the fine nuances of
           the subject of Physics.

           He loved his subject, and he knew how to talk about it. It
           was  only  a  matter  of  time  before  parents  started
           requesting  him  to  take  tuitions  for  their  children  after
           school as well.

           Now Mr. Ramshankar was a very upright and honest man.
           He  was  not  very  comfortable  with  the  idea  of  teaching
           after school and taking the huge amounts of money being
           offered to him without keeping the school informed of the

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