Page 13 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 13

Lost and Found: The Kohinoor Diamond

           Fort? They knew it was going to be stolen and broke it into
           two and kept the bigger part here,” he said.

           Raju cleared his throat, and said, “Of course! I know that!”

           Deepu and Sonia nodded their heads.

           “You three are very smart,” the boy said. “Tell you what?
           You  can  take  this  part  of  the  gem  and  show  it  to  your

           “Yes! Yes! Yes!” shouted the boys and Sonia, silently in her

           “Here, take it. But, you must give me something that I can
           keep against this diamond,” the boy said. “You see, we are
           meeting for the first time.”

           “What is your name?” asked Raju.

           “Deepak”, said the boy.

           “Very well, Deepak. We will give you our mobile phones,”
           Raju said. “That’s all we have now.”

           “But that won’t be enough in return for such a precious
           diamond I’m giving you,” said Deepak.

           “But our mobiles are very expensive!” exclaimed Deepu.

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