Page 11 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 11
Lost and Found: The Kohinoor Diamond
“Knowing what you don’t know is
more useful than being brilliant.”
~ Charlie Munger
Lost and Found: The Kohinoor Diamond
Raju, Deepu and Sonia were walking down from school
one day. They all lived in a lane near Red Fort in Delhi.
They were fighting over who got better marks in the
History half-yearly exam.
Sonia was smiling. She had a speaking disability so she
could not speak much. She listened to the other two fight.
She had scored seventy percent in her exams. She showed
her paper to her friends.
“That’s nothing. Even I scored seventy percent. But I have
a ‘very good’ remark with five stars,” Deepu said.
“I got a seventy percent too. But ma’am told me I was the
best student in class,” Raju exclaimed happily.
A young boy was walking behind them. He heard them
talking and quickly overtook them. As he hurried past
them, he dropped a shiny looking stone on the road. 11