Page 6 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 6
“No, he’s not!” I told my mom. “He is going to watch news
now.” I ran and climbed into his lap.
Papa pushed me away a little. “Not now, Keshav,” he said.
“Go and sleep now. It is past your bedtime.”
“I am not feeling sleepy Papa. And you promised you
would tell me about the thing that happened yesterday. I
remember what it’s called, a scam, right Papa?” I asked
him, pulling his shirt.
Papa looked at Mummy. “Instead of bedtime stories, he
wants to know what is a scam! Why did Sameer Rai go to
jail? Why has the Prime Minister declared a war on
corruption? What is black money? Why did an award
winner make fake money?”
My mom smiled. Papa continued, “He still has two or
three teeth left in his mouth that need falling out. How do
I make him understand how to behave and act sensibly?
How do I help him understand the true value and worth
of money?”
I didn't understand what Papa said to Mummy. How were
the remaining three teeth in my mouth that had to fall out
so that I got new ones related to what I was asking him? I
kept quiet. Mummy was saying something to Papa.
Papa was shaking his head. “At least try, Vijay,” Mummy
said. 6