Page 4 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 4
If we change the limiting stories we tell ourselves, we will
be able to change our lives for the better. The stories you
read in this book are non-limiting, simply because
underlying them are thoughts from two of the wisest men
in the world living today that have helped them become
so wise.
Of course, you will learn the lessons you most need only
when you are ready for them. So, read these stories, and
re-read them, because they will help you immensely when
you are ready to use the lessons contained in them to make
yourself wiser and happier.
I have benefited a lot from the wit and wisdom of Buffett
and Munger. I am sure you would too.
Here’s to your wisdom.
Vishal 4