Page 41 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 41
The Banana Tree
under the banana tree outside the house. Who will walk
all the way to the market?”
Saying this, he dozed off for a few minutes. In his dream,
he saw a ripe, yellow banana on the doorstep of his house.
Just when he was about to ask his mother to give it to him,
he woke up, only to find his mother standing on his head.
Veena aunty was standing behind her with her friends.
They were all staring at him. He was about to close his
eyes again when Veena aunty said, “Get up Sreenath! Get
dressed and get us some buttermilk from the market.”
Sreenath got up slowly, groaning. He wanted to sleep
some more. His mother shoved some notes in his hands.
Sreenath did not want to go. Then he suddenly
remembered the banana he wanted. “Okay aunty. I’ll go
at once,” he said happily.
Veena aunty looked at him suspiciously. Sreenath grinned
and disappeared from the front door. He quickly went and
sat down in front of the banana tree just outside their
verandah. He looked up at the banana flower stem
hanging from the tree. “I’ll wait. The bananas look ripe.
They can fall anytime. Meanwhile, I’ll close my eyes and
rest a little,” he said to himself.
An hour went past. Sreenath woke up and looked around
himself. No bananas had fallen yet. “That’s okay. I am sure
they will fall in no time now,” he said to himself. 41