Page 44 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 44

The Banana Tree

           on the wall clock. It was 5.00 am. He had woken up before
           his mother got up in the morning every day. He left his
           bed  and  found  two  bananas  in  the  fruit  bowl  in  the
           kitchen. He sat at the dining table and ate them slowly.


           Remember: You are not perfect. Nobody is. But you can
           always  try  to  become  better  than  what  you  were
           yesterday or the day before. This is especially true when
           it comes to learning new things and becoming wiser. Try
           to be in company of good people and learn something
           new every day. Don’t worry even if you learn a small
           thing,  like  the  meaning  of  a  new  word,  or  how  to
           improve upon a dance step. Taking things step by step
           will  lead  to  huge  success  if  you  are  consistent.  If  you
           consciously spend each day trying to improve yourself
           and your skills and abilities, you will take a massive leap
           at some point.

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