Page 49 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 49

The New Video Game

           video game his father had got him, and crashed on his bed.
           He slept soundly for hours till morning.

           This was the first time he had switched off his video game
           because he did not want to play it anymore.

           Remember:  When  we  do  things  over  and  over,  they
           become our habits. It is good to practice healthy habits.
           This is because we are what our habits make us. They are
           either  moving  us  forward  or  holding  us  back.
           Unfortunately, when it comes to habits, it's much easier
           to form bad habits – like spending a lot of time sitting
           and watching television that could make us unhealthy –
           than  good  habits  –  like  playing  an  outdoor  sport  or
           exercising that would keep us healthy. This is because
           bad habits are usually easy to do. They take little effort.
           On the other hand, a good habit requires effort and self-
           discipline. They are much more difficult to acquire. So
           be careful of the habits you are picking up, because they
           would define your future. Pick up a lot of bad habits and
           you  may  get  disappointments  in  life.  Pick  up  a  lot  of
           good habits, and you will be happy and successful.

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