Page 1 - Teams V1-Channel Post and Notification-FINAL
P. 1
Create Channel Posts,
Guide Overview Upload Files or Images,
Microsoft Teams is full of features designed to and Modify Notifications
enhance collaboration, especially with team
members working remotely. This guide will provide
a quick overview of Teams, how to engage with
others in Teams and share ways to help you Volume 1 | May 2020
communicate and control the ow of information.
Teams Be Engaging Control Your
Overview With Teams Notifications
This section will provide a high-level This section will cover ways in which This section will cover how to modify
overview of Teams and ways in which to you can engage with others in Teams your noti cation settings to help you
use Teams to collaborate with your including posting in Channels, sharing stay informed and productive while
colleagues, committee groups, practice les, and uploading images. using Teams.
groups and more.
Teams Overview Key Takeaways
Use Teams to facilitate collaboration
1 within client teams, practice groups,
departments and more!
With Teams, you can chat with
2 colleagues, share images and les, and
co-author documents.
The Teams platform can be used for
3 audio and video calls with internal and
external participants.
Make a Call in Teams:
4 Click the Calls Icon > Click Make a call >
type or pick a name > click audio/video.