Page 4 - Teams V1-Channel Post and Notification-FINAL
P. 4

Key Takeaways
         Notification Types

        Banner                                 Feed                                      Email

        Notifications                          Notifications                             Notifications

       Also known as a push noti cation, a     The activity feed is a list of activity   Email noti cations are triggered when
       Banner is a temporary purple pop-up     occurrences in your Teams, Channels or   the Teams platform detects new activity
       window that appears in the bottom right   Chats. If you have missed activity, your   that has remained unchecked for a
       corner of your computer screen. You     Activity icon will display a red circle with   period of time. Please note that these
       can interact directly with this push    a number representing missed activity    emails show up as External Emails from
       noti cation to reply or react to a post.   instances.                            Teams.

        Suggested Notification Settings Based on Usage

                         Teams Style                                       Banner Feed Only                Email
                                                             & Email

        Infrequent Teams Visitor
        See what you missed

        Need A Teams Reminder
        Don't want to miss a thing

        Teams On My Terms
        Minimize the distractions

        All Teams All The Time
        Teams as your communication hub

           Need Some Practice?

           Want a safe place to explore Teams features and practice sharing files, making
           calls, and posting in Channels? Vorys Education has you covered, and is happy to

           engage with you on our Teams practice site. Contact us to setup a session at

           Want to Create a Team?

           Interested in creating a team for your group, project, department, or committee?
           Contact the service desk at
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