P. 16
N Rahmawati,
M Syukri, Identification of Lactic Acid
Darmawi, Bacteria from Etawa Goat Milk
6 3500 FS
I Zachreini, Kopelma Darussalam Village,
M Yusuf, Banda Aceh
R Idroes
R Hayati,
7 3533 FS M Rahmawaty, Low temperature and duration on
quality of fig fruit (Ficus carica L.)
T N Lestari
Effects of maize flour substitution
on the organoleptic
L Karimuna, characteristics and nutritional
Halim, values of fried peanut products
A Ansi,
8 3602 FS (Arachys hypogaea L.) applied by
W E Marfi, bokashi plus fertilizer in improved
N Asyik, agroforestry system in
L Hasanuddin
Napabalano District, Muna
E Murlida,
S Noviasari, Chemical characteristics of
9 3609 FS C Nilda, cascara tea from some varieties of
F Rahmi, coffee in Aceh Province
M Muzaifa
Z Akbar,
R Idroes,
M Yusuf,
T Karma, Classification of gayo arabica
10 3639 FS B Ginting, coffee ethanol extract using FTIR-
S Rahimah, PCA
G M Idroes,
M Paristiowati,
T E Tallei
N Arpi Natural spontaneous
N E Husna fermentation effects on the
11 4027 FS
M Novita properties of sweet potato flour
D Safriani and its wet noodle
Phylogenetic analysis of Omega-3
S H Anwar, producing microalgae isolated
12 4053 FS T Rinanda, from mangrove area in Banda
R Ramadhani Aceh Indonesia based on 18S
rDNA gene.