P. 13

Animal Husbandry

                 Parallel Session 1

                 Room                       A-3
                 Time                       11:30- 13:30

                 Invited Speakers           Prof. Dr. Ir. Amhar AB, MS

                 Title                      Analysis of pH And Cooking Losses of Chicken Meat

                                            Due to the Use of Different Percentages of Turmeric

                 Moderator                  Dr. Ir. Yurliasni, M.Si

                                            Achmad Ziyan Farabi
                                            Faiza Aidina

                  NO        ID       MAJOR           AUTHOR                           TITLE

                                                 I P C P Adnyana,  Growth of cattle population in
                   1       3384         AH       N Hilmiati,          NTB and its development
                                                 L G S Astiti         prospects
                                                 E R Azizah,          Merino sheep nitrogen balance
                                                 C Hanim,             with the addition of mahogany
                   2       3406         AH
                                                 L M Yusiati,         leaves (Swietenia mahagoni) as
                                                 A Kurniawati         tannins source in feed
                                                                      The effect of additional tannins
                                                 E A Lestari,         source from mahagony leaves
                                                 C Hanim,             (Swietenia mahagoni) to purine
                   3       3407         AH
                                                 L M Yusiati,         derivate excression in urine and
                                                 A Kurniawati         synthesis of rumen microbial
                                                                      protein of merino sheep
                                                                      The effect of giving a combination
                                                                      of tabut and ammoniated
                   4       3420         AH       Dzarnisa,            citronella waste on the
                                                                      physiological and hematological
                                                 D Rachmadi
                                                                      responses of lactating Etawa
                                                                      crossbreed goats
                                                 B Suwignyo,          Second regrowth phase
                                                 F Adnan,             generative characteristics of
                                                 N Umami,
                   5       3445         AH                            alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) with
                                                 G Pawening,          addition of lighting duration and
                                                 N Suseno,            dolomites
                                                 B Suhartanto
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