P. 9

Sustainable Agriculture

                 Parallel Session 1

                 Room                       A-1
                 Time                       11:30- 13:30

                 Invited Speakers           Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Humam Hamid, M.A

                 Title                      Covid-19, Food Security, and The Rural Poor

                 Modertator                 Dr. Agus Nugroho, SP., MA
                 Operator                   Glennice Suherman

                                            Salsabila Azzahra

                 NO      ID     MAJOR          AUTHOR                            TITLE

                                            S Kasimin,        Rice supply chain management in
                  1    3354        SA       N Desparita,      large-scale rice refineries in Bireuen
                                            Zakiah            Regency

                                            N Fahmi,
                                            Safrida,          The development strategy of superior
                  2    3362        SA
                                            Fajri,            commodity in pidie jaya regency
                                            S Kasimin
                                            T P Quí,
                                            B X Khanh,        Assessment of the growth of floating
                                            N T T Xuan,       rice lines and resistant to salinity at
                  3    3400        SA
                                            V T X Tuyen,      the seed germination and seedling
                                            N T T Hau,        growth stage
                                            A Ardi
                                            T P Quí,          Effect of fertilizer formulas on some
                                            B X Khanh,
                  4    3401        SA                         soil agrochemical indicators, growth
                                            L T T Huong,      and productivity
                                            A Ardi
                                            T P Quí,          The impact of the salt stress on the
                  5    3402        SA       B X Khanh,        growth of floating rice lines on
                                            A Ardi            germination and seedling states

                                                              Measurement level of incursion
                                            C Mulyani,        cocoa pod borer (Conopomorpha
                  6    3449        SA                         cramerella snella) at community
                                            D Bakri           cocoa plantations in East Aceh
                                                              Regency, Aceh, Indonesia
                                            Hasanuddin,       Characteristics of soybean yield
                                            S Hafsah          influenced by the application of
                  7    3458        SA
                                            E Hayati          herbicides oxyfluorfen and
                                            E Nurahmi         pendimethalin
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