P. 23

Agricultural Engineering

                 Parallel Session 1

                 Room                       A-8
                 Time                       11:30- 13:30

                 Invited Speakers           Dr. Darwin, S.TP., M.Sc

                 Title                      Anaerobic Acidogenesis of Sugar and Agro-Starchy
                                            Wastes for Biotechnological Production of Biofuel and
                                            Bioproduct: Ethanol vs. Lactic Acid
                                            Dr. rer. hort. Indera Sakti Nasution, S.TP., M.Sc.
                 Operator                   Sri Mulyani
                                            Andela Kristi Saragih

                    NO            ID       MAJOR           AUTHOR                        TITLE

                                                                           Near-infrared spectroscopy
                                                        R Yusnaini,        (NIRS) as an integrated
                                                        I Ikhsan,
                     1          3551          AE        R Idroes,          approach for rapid
                                                                           classification and bioactive
                                                        A A Munawar,       quality evaluation of intact
                                                        R Nasution
                                                                           Feronia limoni
                                                                           Effect of betel type (Piper sp)
                                                        I Hafizah,         and concentration of betel
                     2          3620          AE        Y Aisyah,          leaf extract on quality and
                                                        D Hasni            antibacterial activities of
                                                                           transparent solid soap

                                                                           Near infrared reflectance
                                                        F Basyir,
                     3          3626          AE        A A Munawar,       spectroscopy: classification
                                                                           and rapid prediction of
                                                        Y Aisyah
                                                                           patchouli oil content
                                                                           Identification of β-
                                                        E Sufriadi,        caryophyllene (BCP) in aceh
                                                        H Meilina,         patchouli essential oil (PEO)
                     4          3650          AE
                                                        A A Munawar,  using gas chromatography-
                                                        R Idroes           mass spectrophotometry

                                                                           Technical efficiency of
                                                                           hoaloc-mango between
                                                        T H V T Kiet,
                     5          3313          AE                           cooperative and non-
                                                        N T K Thoa
                                                                           cooperative famer groups in
                                                                           the Southern Vietnam
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