P. 26

The effect of pruning type on
                                                     E Kesumawati,           old seedling of chili pepper
                                                     R Amalia,
                     5        3864          SA                               (Capsicum annuum L.)
                                                     Fitrizal,               plants to the growth and
                                                     M Rahmawati
                                                     R Sriwati,              Dose range of trichoderma
                                                     T Chamzurni,            pellets on suppressing
                     6        3978          SA       E Kusumawati,           Synchytrium pogostemonis
                                                     T K Pertiwi,            caused budok disease in
                                                     L Angraeni              patchouli plants
                                                     Agussabti,              Study on sustanable
                                                     I Zikri,                agricultue and dimension of
                     7        3982          SA                               needs: a case study
                                                     Suraiya,                patchouli farming in Aceh
                                                     E Susanti,              Jaya
                                                                             Number of fruit flies
                                                                             (Diptera: Tephritidae)
                                                     R Mulyadi,
                     8        4006          SA       Wilyus,                 trapped in various
                                                                             combinations of methyl
                                                                             eugenol dosages and trap
                                                     A Baihaqi,              The performance of paddy
                                                     A H Hamid,              farming in three production
                                                     I Zikri,
                     9        4022          SA                               region in aceh province,
                                                     D Kurniawan,            study of input costs,
                                                     Y D Fazlina,            production and income
                                                     T S Bahri
                                                                             Agricultural sustainability
                                                                             assessment: a network-
                                                     F Xiong,
                    10        4045          SA                               based approach with
                                                     L Huang
                                                                             evidence from Jiangsu
                                                                             Province, China
                                                     E Sirnawati,            Factor determining farmer’s
                    11        4056          SA       U Humaedah,             capacity in raising superior-
                                                     M Yusron                chicken “KUB”
                                                     R Tarigan,              The use of botanical
                                                     K Bagus,                insecticides obtained from
                                                     R C Hutabarat,          local plants to control
                    12        3669          SA
                                                     S Barus,                cabbage leaf webber
                                                     D Handayani,            (Crocidolomia binotalis
                                                     D S Aryani              Zeller) on cabbage plants
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