P. 32

Parallel Session II
                 Room                       B-3
                 Time                       16:25-18:15

                 Moderator                  Dr. Hartati Oktarina, SP., M.Sc

                 Operator                   Nura, SP., M.Si


                 NO       ID      MAJOR               AUTHOR                             TITLE

                                              I Mangisah,                 Nutrient digestibility and meat
                                              V D Yunianto,               production of broiler chicken
                  1      3988        AH
                                              S Sumarsih,                 fed with synbiotic (a mixture of
                                              Sugiharto                   Lactobacillus casei and garlic)
                                                                          The evaluation by passes
                                              R R Dewi,
                  2      4046        AH       Muhlisin,                   energy based on in vitro gas
                                                                          production digestibility and
                                              Z M Gasnur,                 Evaluation of halal slaughter
                  3      3414        AH       H Nuraini,                  and sanitation implementation
                                              R Priyanto                  in slaughterhouse category II
                                              D Anzhany,
                                              Despal,                     Effect of different altitude on
                                              T Toharmat,
                  4      4059        AH                                   milk fatty acid and conjugated
                                              N Nuraina,                  linoleic acid (CLA) profile
                                              A N Hamidah,
                                              I Agustiyani,
                                              Despal,                     Comparison single and mix
                                              L A Sari,                   species NIRS database
                  5      4060        AH
                                              R Chandra,                  accuracies of dairy fibre feed
                                              R Zahera,                   value detection
                                              I G Permana
                                              A Abubakar,                 Analysis of pH and cooking
                                              C A Fitri,
                  6      3632        AH       H Koesmara,                 losses of chicken meat due to
                                                                          the use of different percentages
                                              Mudatsir,                   of turmeric flour
                                              S Ardatami
                                                                          Potential of ciplukan extract
                                              M Daud,                     (physalis angulata l.) and
                                              M A Yaman,                  patchouli waste (pogostemon
                  7      3647        AH
                                              Y Usman,                    patchouli pellet) as alternative
                                              Y Aqmarina                  sources of phytogenic feed
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