Page 128 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 128

Reading and Use of English Part 7:2            However, most people would agree that it isn’t good
                                                                   to spend too much time sitting in front of a screen. It
                    1  1  When members of the audience enter the theatre,   is important to be active and do plenty of exercise in
                        they have their tickets checked.
                      2  When stars drive to the hotel, they have their cars   order to be healthy. Young people also need to go out
                                                                   so they can meet new people and make friends in the
                        driven to the car park.
                      3  Nearly every time famous people go out, they get   real world.
                                                                   To sum up, I would say that video games are a fun
                        their photo taken.
                      4  When authors write a bestseller, they get it edited.  way to relax, have fun and learn useful skills, but it is
                                                                   important for young people to go out and have other
                      5  Famous people write autobiographies and (they)   hobbies too.
                        get them published.
                      6  Before actors go on stage they have their make-up   3  1  For instance    5  For this reason
                        done.                                      2  As for             6  therefore
                    2  1  C    2  E    3  A     4  C     5  E      3  Moreover           7  Furthermore
                      6  B     7  D    8  E     9 A      10  B     4  In this way        8  To sum up

                    Reading and Use of English Part 7:3          Writing Part 1:2
                    1  1  It is (sometimes) said / claimed / thought global   1  1  b    2  a    3  a
                        conservation is fighting a losing battle.    4  b         5  b           6  a
                      2  It is predicted / thought / claimed that 11% of
                        animals worldwide will be endangered by 2050.  2  Sample answer
                      3  It is not known how many insect species have   People are now living for longer, but many suffer from
                        already become extinct.                    health problems that are caused by our modern way
                      4  It is predicted / thought / claimed that numbers of   of life. It is therefore important to teach young people
                        farmland birds will continue to rise.      how to live healthy lives. While schools have an
                      5  It is thought / claimed that the word butterfly may   important role to play, I do not think they can teach
                        originate from people calling one species a ‘butter-  young people everything they need to know.
                        coloured-fly’.                              Schools can certainly educate young people about
                      6  It is thought / claimed a new species of frog has   the importance of exercise. Many schools already
                        been discovered in a remote area of jungle.  provide exercise classes and organise sports teams
                                                                   and games. In addition, schools can teach young
                    2  1  C    2  D    3  B     4  A     5  E      people about a healthy diet, and could provide
                      6  B     7  E    8  D     9  A     10  C     cookery lessons so young people learn how to
                    Get it right!                                  prepare healthy meals.
                    It is said that animals suffer a lot if they are kept in   However, I believe that parents, families and
                    cages or behind fences.                        communities also have a responsibility to show young
                                                                   people how to live a healthy life. For example, parents
                                                                   can provide more healthy meals at home, and towns
                    Writing Part 1:1                               could build more sports centres and cycle lanes to

                    1  1  In my             5  see                 encourage people to become more active.
                      2  believe            6  say                 To sum up, I agree that schools should teach young
                      3  seems              7  would               people about exercise and healthy eating, but I also
                      4  view               8  Personally          believe that other people and organisations in society
                                                                   should help to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
                    2  Sample answer
                      Nowadays, video games are very popular, and some   3  1  Although    5  despite
                      young people spend a lot of time playing them,     2  whereas      6  While
                      either alone or with their friends. Although there are     3  On the other hand    7  in spite of
                      some benefits to these games, there are also some     4  However    8  Nevertheless
                      disadvantages too.
                      It is possible to learn some important skills from   Writing Part 1:3
                      video games. In many games, players have to make
                      decisions quickly and decide on the best way to solve   1  1  b    2  j    3  e    4  f    5  g
                      problems, often in very difficult situations. Moreover,     6  c    7  d    8  a    9  i    10  h
                      some games can help young people to learn about   2  1  a    2  c         3  b
                      different periods in history or different parts of the     4  a; c    5  b    6  c
                      world in a fun way.

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