Page 130 - Marina Krajka English Book
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university teacher who gives talks to large groups of   for. The prices are brilliant, too. I bought a pair of
                      students.                                    trousers there last month, then saw exactly the same
                                                                   pair in a local department store for twice the price!
                    2  Sample answer                               Once you’ve placed your order, they are usually very
                      Dear Sir or Madam,                           quick to deliver. You can even choose same-day
                      I am writing to apply for a job in one of your summer   delivery if you need the clothes quickly, although you
                      camps this summer.                           have to pay extra for this. Unlike many other online
                      I believe I would be suitable for this job because I   stores, you can also phone and talk to someone if
                      am very friendly, outgoing and sociable, and I have   you have any problems. I’ve done this a few times,
                      a good sense of humour. I get on well with people   and I’ve always found them very helpful.
                      of all ages, and especially with children. I often     This is a fantastic website, and I’d thoroughly
                      organise birthday parties for my nephews and nieces.   recommend it to anyone who loves clothes and loves
                      I arrange a variety of games and activities for them,   a bargain!
                      and also do magic tricks to entertain them, which are
                      always very popular.                       3  1  would              5  recommend
                      I am also very keen on sport. I play football and     2  advise     6  definitely
                      tennis regularly, and enjoy cycling and swimming     3  a visit     7  thoroughly
                      too. As well as playing football, I also help coach     4  shopping around     8  you to buy
                      young children at my football club and have a Level 1
                      qualification in sports coaching.           Writing Part 2:5
                      Because of my experience and qualifications, I think
                      I would be a perfect candidate for this job, and hope   1a  1  putting up     5  be pulled down
                      you will consider my application. I look forward to      2  be provided     6  to turn/turning
                      hearing from you.                             3  to have            7  opening
                      Yours sincerely,                              4  would be able      8  be improved
                      Hannah Tomkins                             1b  Students’ own answers.
                    3a  1  which             5  whose            2  Sample answer
                       2  where              6  where              Introduction
                       3  when               7  which              This report looks at the leisure facilities available
                       4  who                8  who                in this town and makes recommendations for
                       a  Defining relative clauses: sentences 1, 4, 6 and   improvements to these facilities and new facilities
                         7. Non-defining relative clauses: sentences 2, 3,   that could be provided. The information comes
                         5 and 8.                                  from an interview with students at Central Language
                       b  Sentences 1 and 7                        School.
                       c  Sentences 1, 4 and 7                     Current facilities

                    3b  1  which             5  – / when           There are two sports centres in the town, and both
                       2  who / that         6  where              can be reached easily by public transport. However,
                       3  – / that / which     7  who              neither sports centre has a swimming pool.
                       4  whose              8  – / that / who     The only cinema is outside the town, and can only be
                                                                   reached by car. This makes it difficult for people who
                                                                   rely on public transport.
                    Writing Part 2:4                               There is a small park near the town centre, but this is
                    1  1  fantastic    4  bizarre    7  entertaining  often very crowded during good weather in summer.
                      2  dreadful    5  delightful    8  poor      Recommendations
                      3  impressive    6  genuine    9  brilliant    I would recommend building a swimming pool at one
                                                                   of the sports centres. Both have plenty of land to
                    2  Sample answer                               make this possible. I would also suggest introducing
                                             a new bus route to the cinema to allow young people
                      I’m a big fan of online shopping, and I visit a lot   to reach the cinema easily. Finally, it would be
                      of online clothes shops. My absolute favourite is   beneficial to young people to make the park bigger,
                      On this website, you’ll find a huge range of really   as this would give them more space to meet their
                                                                   friends in good weather.
                      fashionable clothes. There’s everything from jeans
                      and T-shirts to formal dresses and suits. They also   3  1  The new sports centre opened in June.
                      have a fantastic selection of shoes. The site is     2  What facilities are available?
                      incredibly easy to use, and you can search for clothes     3  That’s terrible news!
                      according to the size, colour or style you’re looking     4  “I’m going to the gym,” she said.

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