Page 134 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 134

Girl:       Oh I see – the sort of diving where you    cupboard space or anything. It’s just
                               jump off a diving board and twist and        for fun. I find that it helps to balance
                               turn in the air before entering the water?   the dullness of my job where there isn’t
                               That must be terrifying!                     much room to express myself.
                     Boy:        I never suffered from nerves, though I   Woman:   Fantastic!
                               can see why standing on the ten-metre   Narrator:   Now listen again.
                               board might make some people want to   Narrator:   Question 7. You hear a review of a
                               climb back down again! You just have to      film.
                               go for it. There’s nothing like knowing
                               you’ve got it just right – it’s incredible,   Woman:     This week’s film of the week sees
                               you want to do it like that every time.      Ricky Riley return as the hero in Mark
                     Girl:       It’s amazing watching really experienced   Martin’s latest thriller, Midnight. I’m
                                                                            sure you all remember Riley’s stunning
                               divers do their stuff.                       acting in Red Wood last year. Well, I’m
                     Boy:        I watch them to analyse their moves –      afraid to say that despite the complex
                               it’s a different experience when you’re a    plots and satisfying closing scenes,
                               diver yourself!                              Riley’s performance fails to live up to
                     Narrator:   Now listen again.                          expectations this time. That isn’t to say
                     Narrator:   Question 5. You hear two friends           the film isn’t worth seeing – it most
                               talking about hiking.                        certainly is, though I personally would
                     Man:        Are you off hiking this weekend?           have liked to see some of the beautiful
                     Woman:      Yeah, I find it very relaxing. It helps to   mountains and lakes of the area the
                               clear my mind.                               film’s set in, rather than the inside of the
                     Man:        I’ve just joined a walking group myself.   main character’s apartment, which is
                                                                            where most of the action takes place.
                               I know so little of the surrounding area
                               despite having lived here several years   Narrator:   Now listen again.
                               now. I’ve heard some of the hills round   Narrator:   Question 8. You hear two friends
                               here can be pretty hard going, but I’m       talking about taking photos to put
                               sure the exercise won’t do me any            on social media websites.
                               harm.                              Woman:      You take loads of photos, don’t you? Do
                     Woman:      And there are some fantastic views ...     you upload onto the InstantPhoto site?
                     Man:        Mmmm. The truth is I find looking down   Man:     Yeah, I do. I’ve got this amazing phone
                               from heights petrifying. I’m hoping this     with loads of different apps on it –
                               will cure me of that. If I’m honest, that’s   you can create all kinds of weird and
                               my main motivation for giving it a go.       wonderful effects with it – it’s brilliant for
                               Anyway, I’m sure I’ll enjoy the views and    experimenting with. People do loads of
                               the fresh air.                               crazy stuff, though I tend to avoid looking
                     Narrator:   Now listen again.                          closely at pictures posted by mates in
                                                                            case I’m too influenced by them.
                     Narrator:   Question 6. You hear a man telling a
                               friend about producing furniture as   Woman:     You’ve got to start out with a decent
                               a hobby.                                     photo in the first place, though, haven’t
                     Woman:    Have you got any interesting hobbies?  Man:   you?
                                                                              Yeah, it helps. You’ll only get either
                     Man:        Actually, I’m quite passionate about       negative feedback or none at all if the
                               woodwork.                                    composition or lighting are no good –
                     Woman:      That’s pretty unusual. What kind of        and no one wants that.
                               things do you make?                Narrator:  Now listen again.
                     Man:        Small pieces of furniture mainly. I use
                               wood from sustainable sources. Some
                               woodworkers enjoy restoring things,   Listening Part 1:3
                               making them look like new. That’s not
                               for me.                           1a  1  c      2  d       3  b       4  a
                                 I tend to make stuff that I give away. I   1b  Students’ own answers.
                               don’t sell it. I haven’t got space in my   2  1  burn out    3  break a record
                               house, so I don’t do it ’cos I need more     2  push yourself    4  warm up

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