Page 139 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 139
3a 1 considering 5 whereas disappearing at the same rate as the
2 now 6 once tiger, it’s quite likely you haven’t.
3 provided 7 where
4 though 8 if What’s the reason for the rapid
decrease in the hedgehog population
3b 1 where 5 whereas in the UK? Like many threatened
2 provided 6 once animals, the problem is its habitat is
3 Considering 7 if disappearing. Hedgehogs live not only
4 Now 8 though in the countryside, but in woodland,
too. As these environments disappear
Listening Part 2:3 to make way for housing or intensive
agriculture, so do the hedgehogs.
1 1 Green 5 Endangered As the hedgehog’s habitat is destroyed,
2 Conservation 6 Pollute so is their food source. Hedgehogs
3 Worldwide 7 Evolution have a pretty big appetite, and a
4 Climate change 8 Ecology
single animal can eat over a hundred
2 1 have you been interested in smaller creatures every night! Worms
2 have been clearing are a favourite snack, as are insects
3 has been going on and other little animals, so we need to
4 have learned protect these, too.
5 Have / ’ve just found out Let me tell you about some of the
6 Have you ever looked things that can be done to help save the
7 has travelled hedgehog population. One thing we’re
8 have / ’ve been studying promoting at the club is what we call the
hedgehog highway, which doesn’t mean
3 1 tiger 6 leaves
2 woodland 7 climbing skills building a special bridge or road for
3 insects 8 rescue centre them – though that would be cool – but
4 highway 9 pets making sure they can pass from garden
5 tunnel 10 Wildlife Trust to garden without obstacles getting in
the way. This means cutting holes in
the fences between gardens. These
Narrator: Track 6 Listening Part 2 don’t have to be big and neighbours
Worksheet 3 can get together to help each other out.
You will hear a boy called Jake Alternatives include digging a tunnel
Castle giving a class presentation under a wall or whatever else is in the
about an animal called a hedgehog. way. These measures allow hedgehogs
For questions 1–10, complete the to walk from garden to garden in search
sentences with a word or short of food and shelter.
phrase. You now have 45 seconds Speaking of shelter, it’s becoming
to look at the questions. increasingly difficult for hedgehogs
Jake: We’ve been asked to talk about to find suitable places to build nests.
something we do outside school which It’s crucial for them to have a safe
helps the environment in some way, place to hide and sleep during colder
and I’ve decided to talk about the months when they hibernate. So, we’re
hedgehog conservation work I’ve been encouraging people to think twice
doing recently with a local conservation before you clear away leaves and,
club. instead pile them up with branches in
There’s been a huge decline in quiet corners of the garden to create
hedgehog numbers over recent the perfect cosy hedgehog home.
years. In case you don’t know what a You may be surprised to learn that
hedgehog looks like – it’s a four-legged since they don’t possess brilliant
creature not dissimilar in size to a eyesight, hedgehogs have a tendency
small rabbit – with a long nose and it’s to fall into things like ponds or drains,
covered in sharp spikes. Depending so it’s crucial that people cover these
on where you live, you may have seen dangers wherever they can. I’ve placed
one before. Though, since they’re small stacks of stones at the side of
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