Page 140 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 140

the pond in my parents’ garden so they   Narrator:      Track 7 Listening Part 3
                               can get out – their climbing skills are          Worksheet 1
                               surprisingly strong, I discovered.
                                 I’ve come across several injured             You will hear five short extracts
                                                                            in which people are talking about
                               hedgehogs while I’ve been working            shopping for clothes. For questions
                               with the conservation club, and it’s vital   1–5, choose from the list (A–H),
                               to know what should be done when             what each speaker enjoys about
                               this happens. Vets can help injured          shopping for clothes. Use the letters
                               hedgehogs – the preferred course of          only once. There are three extra
                               action, though, is to go online and find      letters which you do not need to
                               out where the nearest rescue centre is –     use. You now have 30 seconds to
                               and take them there.                         look at the questions.
                                 Hedgehogs do wake up to eat during
                               their hibernation period in winter, and   Narrator: Speaker 1
                               we’re asking neighbours that do see   Man:     I’m a fashion model, so you might
                               one out and about in their garden to         expect me to be really into clothes.
                               have a look and check it doesn’t seem        Actually, I couldn’t care less about them,
                               underweight. If it’s a bit thin, there’s no   especially when I’ve been taking them on
                               problem with leaving some food out           and off all day at work. Designer gear’s
                               for it. Bread may seem like something        not my style – though I do try a ton of
                               easy to leave, but it’s impossible           it on when I’m at a photo shoot. Having
                               for hedgehogs to digest it, so I’d           said that, it isn’t that I’ve no interest in
                               recommend food usually given to pets         shopping at all – as long as it isn’t for
                               instead.                                     myself. Working in fashion, I have a
                                 I hope some of you will go out and start   pretty good eye for what’ll look good on
                                                                            my sisters, so if I’m out and about and
                               looking after hedgehogs. If they’re not      spot something in a shop, it’ll often end
                               found in your area and you still want to     up going home to them.
                               get involved in the conservation of other
                               species, there’s plenty you can do. The   Narrator: Speaker 2
                               club I’m in is called the Green Trust, but   Girl:     My friends are forever dragging me
                               the Wildlife Trust is a fantastic place to   out shopping. I pretend I’m not into it,
                               start if you want to find out more about      but there’s something satisfying about
                               what’s happening with other animals in       spotting a dress or top in a high-street
                               your local area. You can easily find them     store that’s similar in design to one
                               online, but I can give you the website       you’ve seen in a magazine for ten
                               address if you like.                         times the price. Not that the high-street
                                 I hope I’ve inspired you ...               versions are always cheap, but it’s still a
                     Narrator:  Now listen again.                           good feeling. We usually pop in and see
                                                                            one of our friends who works in a store
                                                                            we like. We always beg her for money
                    Get it right!                                           off anything we buy, but she doesn’t
                    Since the end of the Second World War, the world’s      have the authority to give us discounts.
                    population has been increasing / has increased rapidly.  So, I’m not the most fashionable person
                                                                            around, but I try to look my best.
                    Listening Part 3:1                            Narrator:  Speaker 3
                                                                  Boy:        Well, I don’t have money of my own so I
                    1a  1  b      2  h       3  f       4  d                tend to go shopping with my dad. He told
                       5  g       6  a       7  c       8  e
                                                                            me he doesn’t mind what I get as long
                    1b  1  make a purchase     5  casually-dressed          as it doesn’t cost a fortune. So designer
                       2  debit card         6  be out of stock             stuff’s out – though now and then I’ll see
                       3  designer clothing     7  browse the internet      if I can get him to let me put something
                       4  find a bargain      8  launch a new range          weird and wonderful on just to have a
                                                                            laugh. Otherwise, shopping’s really not
                    2  1  G    2  F    3  E     4  B     5  D
                                                                            that cool, is it?  Dad’s really into the latest
                                                                            trends, though, and he’s always saying

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