Page 144 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 144
Man: One thing people worry about is how to needn’t worry about forgetting anything,
behave when visiting someone in their despite not taking any photos.
home. Man: Finally, Anna, you’re writing a book
Anna: Some people are concerned that about culture.
telling their host they’re nervous is Anna: That’s right. I’m still at the beginning
rude – personally, I see little wrong of the process, even though I’ve been
with explaining why that’s the case. It working on it for a while. People
provides the host with the opportunity who know me keep asking ‘Isn’t it
to make you feel at home. Otherwise, finished yet?’ but you’ve got to do the
you could be trying to do what they’re preparation. I’m still undecided about
doing and get confused – copying them whether people will want to read about
means you could end up behaving like my own travels, or whether I should
the host instead of the guest. Talking to just focus on describing customs from
other people before you go might help, around the world. I won’t show anyone
but every family has its own particular what I’ve written till it’s finished – I’m
traditions, so it may not. hopeful that people will enjoy it!
Man: Have you ever made a cultural mistake Narrator: Now listen again.
Anna: Oh, yes, though thankfully I was Listening Part 4:2
fortunate enough to have an
understanding host who put me at 1 1 environmentally friendly
ease, and because of that I’m able to 2 carbon footprint
laugh about it now. I don’t know why I 3 atmosphere
made the mistake – I took an unlucky 4 clean up
number of flowers as a gift. Looking 5 chemical
back, it wasn’t so serious really – I’d just 6 threaten
misunderstood what someone had told 7 global warming
me before I went. I’d never make the 8 organic
same mistake again, though. 2 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 A
Man: Have you ever experienced culture
Anna: When I’ve lived abroad, yes. At first Narrator: Track 11 Listening Part 4
everything’s exciting, but if you stay Worksheet 2
longer, you notice differences in cultural You will hear an interview with a
values and beliefs, and that can be boy called Liam Banks, who helped
confusing. Making good friends in a to organise a local environmental
new place takes time, and it’s important project called a clean-up day. For
to try to let things happen rather than questions 1–7, choose the best
desperately trying to do everything answer (A, B or C). You now have
at once. Doing familiar things helps – one minute to look at the questions.
sleeping regular hours and eating food Woman: Now we’re going to talk to a young
you like. It really worked in helping me man called Liam Banks who’s here to
get used to my new environment. talk about a ‘clean-up’ day he helped
Man: What’s the most interesting tradition to organise in his town. Liam, what is
you’ve experienced? a clean-up day and how did you get
Anna: I remember being in China at New Year involved?
and seeing the Lantern Festival – there Liam: A clean-up day is where everyone comes
was this amazing parade of handmade together in a town or neighbourhood
lanterns. Seeing it taught me that no as volunteers and basically cleans
matter how much you think you know it up, making it tidier and more
about something in advance, it can still environmentally friendly. It’s easy to think
take you by surprise! I was desperate to ‘that’s not my responsibility’ and turn
join in but didn’t have my own lantern – away, counting on the local council to
it was still enormous fun to watch. The deal with it instead. But having gone into
images of it are stuck in my memory – I various environmental issues in science
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