Page 145 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 145

classes, I realised we’ve got a shared                 what they had to do, though, or tried to
                            responsibility to face up to things and      get out of working hard, and I’m really
                            make our communities greener.                grateful for that.
                  Woman:    What did you organise for the day?  Woman:     How do you feel now about being
                  Liam:       I was responsible for getting volunteers   involved in the clean-up day?
                            together. I was confident I could get a   Liam:     What we did was just a tiny drop in the
                            sufficient number of people interested        ocean – you’ve got to constantly work
                            in helping out if I spoke to people – I      hard to get the message out there
                            had tons of convincing arguments! The        to people that we need to keep our
                            problem was I couldn’t speak to everyone     planet clean and green, not only for
                            face to face. In the end we got loads        our generation but for those to follow.
                            of posters printed asking people to just     I won’t stop here – I’ve come up with
                            turn up on the day and bring whatever        loads of ideas I want to get on with. I
                            cleaning stuff they had – rubbish sacks,     know one person can’t change the world
                            brushes and things like that.                – but you have to keep shouting about
                  Woman:      So, what happened on the day?              what you believe in and hope other
                  Liam:       We started early in the morning. Our       people will back you up.
                            meeting point was outside the park   Woman:     How can people be more
                            gates. Everyone was there with buckets       environmentally friendly?
                            and gloves, ready to get on with the   Liam:     Everyone’s got busy lives and you
                            work. I was just filled with pride. It        can’t expect people to give up all their
                            was fantastic to see how much people         free time to help out in local clean-up
                            cared about their community. There           operations all the time. But everyone’s
                            were a couple of reporters there             read articles about people’s impact
                            from local newspapers, too. It hadn’t        on the Earth and what they can do to
                            crossed my mind to invite them – one         minimise damage. There’s nothing to
                            of the other organisers had, though,         stop you turning off the tap while you
                            and they published an article about          clean your teeth instead of leaving it
                            what we’d done.                              running, or making sure you recycle
                  Woman:      And you cleared the pond out first?         things wherever you can. These things
                  Liam:       Yeah – it’s not deep, so we got in there   don’t really take any time or effort.
                            and cleared away tons of plastic bags,   Narrator:   Now listen again.
                            as well as weeds that were killing off
                            other green plants. There are ducks   3  1  with    2  up    3  in    4  with
                            and fish in the pond and it’s crucial for     5  on    6  with    7  up
                            them to have a healthy place to live.
                            When I was in there, I suddenly got
                            annoyed about how the pond had got   Listening Part 4:3
                            in such a bad state – there are litter   1  1  referee    5  opponent
                            bins everywhere and it’s not hard to use     2  penalty    6  tackle
                            them. One thing I learned was that we’ll     3  defender    7  pitch
                            have to make an effort to keep the pond     4  division    8  save
                            in good condition.                  football, hockey, lacrosse, rugby (and Students’ own
                  Woman:      What else did you do on the day? Were   ideas)
                            there any disappointments or did   2  1  B   2  A   3  A   4  C   5  B   6  C   7  A
                            everything go well?
                  Liam:       We picked up litter in the centre of town,
                            brushed paths and cleaned the windows   Narrator:      Track 12 Listening Part 4
                            of buildings which are currently empty.          Worksheet 3
                            We got to chat to everyone who’d               You will hear an interview with a
                            turned up, even though it was only           springboard diver called Max Hart,
                            briefly. One thing we regret is failing       who is talking about his sport. For
                            to provide refreshments for them – we        questions 1–7, choose the best
                            should have thought of that. Nobody          answer (A, B or C). You now have
                            expressed any dissatisfaction with           one minute to look at the questions.

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