Page 150 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 150

Do you think eating meals at regular         Do you think it’s important for friends to
                               times helps you stay healthy? Why? Why       share the same values? Why? Why not?
                               not?                                         Thank you. That is the end of the test.
                                 How important do you think it is to
                               spend some time outdoors every day?   Speaking Part 3/4:3
                                 Thank you. That is the end of the test.  1  Agreement: I couldn’t agree more (very strong), No
                                                                   doubt about it (very strong), I agree to a large extent
                                                                   (quite strong), I partly agree (not very strong)
                    Speaking Part 3/4:2                            Disagreement: I’m not sure about that (not very
                    1a  Giving an opinion: As far as I’m concerned …, In my   strong), I’d say the exact opposite (very strong), I
                       experience …, Personally, I’d say that …, Speaking   totally disagree (very strong), No way (very strong)
                       for myself, …                             2  Students’ own answers.
                       Clarifying an opinion: Let me explain …, The reason
                       I say this is because …,  To put it another way …,   3a  1  balance     5  hand
                       What I mean by that is …                     2  whole              6  Although
                                                                    3  tend               7  sides
                    1b  Students’ own answers.                      4  general            8  account
                    2  1  c  2  f   3  b  4  g  5  e  6  a  7  h  8  d  3b  to present a balanced argument; students’ own
                    3  Students’ own answers.                       answers.
                                                                 4  Students’ own answers.
                     Narrator:       Track 21 Speaking Parts 3
                                   and 4 Worksheet 2              Narrator:       Track 23 Speaking Parts 3
                               Part 3                                           and 4 Worksheet 3
                     Examiner:   Now, I’d like you to talk about something   Examiner:   Now, I’d like you to talk about something
                               together for about two minutes. Here         together for about two minutes.
                               are some activities that families with       Here are some activities that people
                               teenage children can do together and         learning English can do to improve their
                               a question for you to discuss. First you     speaking skills and a question for you
                               have some time to look at the task.          to discuss. First you have some time to
                     Examiner:   Now, talk to each other about the          look at the task.
                               advantages and disadvantages for   Examiner:   Now talk to each other about how these
                               families with teenage children of doing      activities might help people learning
                               these activities together.                   English to improve their speaking skills.
                     Examiner:   Thank you. Now you have about a   Examiner:   Thank you. Now you have about a
                               minute to decide which activity you think    minute to decide which activity would be
                               is best for bringing families with teenage   least helpful to people learning English.
                               children closer together.          Examiner:   Thank you. Can I have the booklet,
                     Examiner:   Thank you. Can I have the booklet,         please?
                                                                 5  Students’ own answers.
                    4  Students’ own answers.

                                                                  Narrator:      Track 24
                     Narrator:      Track 22                                Part 4
                               Part 4                             Examiner:   What do you think the most important
                     Examiner:   How important is it for people to spend    school subjects are?
                               time with friends rather than family? Why?
                                 Would you agree that it’s important          What else do you think children should
                                                                            be taught in school?
                               to spend time with friends individually        Do you think there are some things you
                               rather than in a group? Why? Why not?        can’t learn at school? What kinds of
                                 Do you think eating together helps         things?
                               families get along well? Why?

          © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2017                                               ANSWER KEY  147
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