Page 148 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 148
Narrator: Track 15 Speaking Part 1 Narrator: Track 16 Speaking Part 2
Worksheet 3 Worksheet 1
Examiner: Good morning. My name is Alison Thorn Examiner: In this part of the test, I’m going to give
and this is my colleague Daniel Jones. each of you two photographs. I’d like
And your names are? you to talk about your photographs on
Christina: Christina Schulman. your own for about a minute, and also to
Juan: Juan Pérez. answer a question about your partner’s
Examiner: Can I have your mark sheets, please? photographs.
Thank you. Where are you from, Petra, it’s your turn first. Here are
Christina? your photographs. They show people
Christina: I’m from Germany. shopping in different ways.
Examiner: And you, Juan? I’d like you to compare the photographs,
Juan: I’m from Mexico. and say what the advantages are for the
people of shopping in these different
Examiner: First we’d like to know something ways. All right?
about you. Examiner: Thank you. Julio, do you like shopping
What are your work or study ambitions? online? Why? Why not?
Tell us about the subject which you find Examiner: Thank you. Can I have the booklet,
most interesting. please?
Do you prefer working or studying on Now, Julio, here are your photographs.
your own or with other people? They show people shopping for food in
What kind of work would you like to do different places. I’d like you to compare
in the future? the photographs, and say what the
Do you prefer mentally or physically people might enjoy about shopping for
challenging work? food in these places. All right?
What kind of environment do you enjoy Examiner: Thank you. Petra, which of these places
working or studying in? would you prefer to shop in? Why?
How often do you go online to find out Examiner: Thank you. Can I have the booklet,
about something? please?
Tell us about an interesting work or
study project you’ve done recently.
Speaking Part 2:2
1a Comparing: as with, like, likewise
2b Students’ own answers.
Contrasting: alternatively, instead of, unlike
3 ’d like, ’m planning to, hope that, expect to, want to, Adding: also, as well, what’s more
intend to, ’m going to, wish
1b Students’ own answers.
Get it right! 2 1 d 2 h 3 a 4 c 5 g 6 e 7 b 8 f
I hope I / ’d like to become a teacher one day. After I
graduate, of course! 3 Students’ own answers.
Speaking Part 2:1 Narrator: Track 17 Speaking Part 2
1 1 main similarity 5 nearly as nice as Worksheet 2
2 both 6 In contrast Examiner: In this part of the test, I’m going to give
3 most obvious difference 7 while / whereas each of you two photographs. I’d like
4 whereas / while 8 In the same way you to talk about your photographs on
your own for about a minute, and also to
2 1 could / may / might 5 could / may / might answer a question about your partner’s
2 could / may / might 6 couldn’t have photographs. Kasia, it’s your turn first.
3 must 7 might have Here are your photographs. They show
4 can’t have 8 must
people doing different water sports. I’d
3 Students’ own answers. like you to compare the photographs,
and say what you think might attract the
people to these activities. All right?
© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2017 ANSWER KEY 145