Page 149 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 149
Examiner: Thank you. Ben, which of these activities Get it right!
would you most like to do? Why? She looks like a shy young girl.
Examiner: Thank you. Can I have the booklet,
please? Now, Ben, here are your Speaking Part 3/4:1
photographs. They show people doing 1 Students’ own answers.
different activities. I’d like you to
compare the photographs, and say what 2 1 h 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 g 6 b 7 f 8 c
the people might find difficult about and Students’ own answers.
doing these activities. All right? 3 Students’ own answers.
Examiner: Thank you. Kasia, what would you like to
be able to do? Why?
Examiner: Thank you. Can I have the booklet, Narrator: Track 19 Speaking Parts 3
please? and 4 Worksheet 1
Part 3
Speaking Part 2:3 Examiner: Now, I’d like you to talk about something
together for about two minutes. Here
1 1 far more 4 the more annoyed are some things that schools and
2 nowhere near as 5 isn’t quite as workplaces do to encourage their
3 doesn’t look as 6 much later than students and employees to be healthier
2a 1 looks as if 3 appear to be and a question for you to discuss. First
2 seems 4 looks you have some time to look at the task.
Examiner: Now, talk to each other about why these
2b Students’ own answers. might be good ways of encouraging
3 Students’ own answers. students or employees to be healthier.
Examiner: Thank you. Now you have about
Narrator: Track 18 Speaking Part 2 a minute to decide which way of
Worksheet 3 encouraging students or employees
Examiner: In this part of the test, I’m going to give to be healthier would make the most
difference to them.
each of you two photographs. I’d like
you to talk about your photographs Examiner: Thank you. Can I have the booklet,
on your own for about a minute, and please?
also to answer a question about your
partner’s photographs. Juan, it’s your 4 Students’ own answers.
turn first. Here are your photographs.
They show families having different Narrator: Track 20
kinds of holidays. I’d like you to
compare the photographs, and say why Part 4
these families might have chosen these Examiner: Do you think you need to join a gym or
different holidays. All right? exercise class in order to get fit? Why?
Examiner: Thank you. Christina, which of these Some people say that it can be difficult
holidays would you prefer? Why? to find time to exercise or cook. What
Examiner: Thank you. Can I have the booklet, do you think?
please? Now, Christina, here are Do you agree that you have to spend
your photographs. They show people a lot of money in order to be fit and
sightseeing in different ways. I’d like you healthy? Why? Why not?
to compare the photographs, and say Apart from exercising and eating well,
what you think the people enjoy about what else can you do to stay healthy?
sightseeing in these ways. All right? How important do you think it is to
Examiner: Thank you. Juan, do you enjoy guided choose a form of exercise that you
tours? Why? Why not? enjoy? Why? Why not?
Examiner: Thank you. Can I have the booklet, What could you say to encourage
please? someone who doesn’t enjoy exercise or
healthy food?
146 ANSWER KEY © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2017