Page 141 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 141
‘What do you reckon about this T-shirt – Narrator: Track 8 Listening Part 3
does it go with these jeans?’, stuff like Worksheet 2
that. You’d expect it to be the other way You will hear five short extracts
round really, wouldn’t you? in which people are talking about
Narrator: Speaker 4 houses they used to live in. For
Girl: I work in a clothes shop – not because questions 1–5, choose from the
I’ve ever been particularly into fashion, list (A–H) the main disadvantage
I just needed a job! Contrary to what of each speaker’s previous house.
you might think, in this store sales Use the letters only once. There
assistants can’t buy things cheaper, are three extra letters which you
though now and then the manager will do not need to use. You now have
let us choose something that’s slightly 30 seconds to look at the questions.
damaged. Most of the time you wouldn’t Narrator: Speaker 1
know it’s not perfect – there might be a Woman: Although we used to live in an old
button missing or something, but there’s farmhouse, you could hardly say it was
always a spare. Part of my job is to peaceful in the countryside – there was
dress the window displays that people always something going on – animals,
see as they walk past the shop – and
this is something that I now love looking tractors … . I miss that now we’ve
out for when I’m out shopping myself. moved into town. But at least here you
Narrator: Speaker 5 can move from room to room freely – in
our old house the upstairs rooms were
Man: I’ve never done much online shopping, linked so you had to pass through each
certainly not for clothes. Mainly, ’cos one to get to the next. It was really odd
I can’t be bothered to send stuff back the way it had been altered like that.
that doesn’t fit or whatever. And when I’m slowly getting used to being in town
you like to treat yourself now and then – it’s more convenient, though and we
to something pretty special, you want look out over a park, which reminds me
to make sure it’s OK. I’m not into the of the place we left.
wacky stuff some of the designers
produce – you can’t walk down the Narrator: Speaker 2
street dressed like that – and being Man: My wife and I bought this huge old
on-trend isn’t a major concern of mine. I house after we first got married with the
prefer their more classic pieces that will intention of doing it up and selling it on at
stand the test of time, so I keep an eye a profit. Of course, like all good intentions
out for their sales. I wouldn’t call myself it didn’t quite happen that way. We ended
a bargain hunter and I don’t buy much, up pouring more and more time into just
either. making essential repairs and never got
Narrator: Now listen again. the rest to the standard we’d have liked.
The layout was its best feature and we
brought all our kids up there. They used
3 1 I’d worn 5 was already waiting to have great fun running around in the
2 used to be 6 been browsing basement shouting their heads off. Now
3 Have 7 was they’ve left home, we’ve downsized to
4 was standing 8 You’ve been a modern flat where everything’s in top
condition – that’s great.
Listening Part 3:2 Narrator: Speaker 3
Girl: I lived in an old house till we moved last
1 1 estate 5 corridor year, when I turned fifteen, and needed
2 lobby 6 property my own space. I used to share with
3 basement 7 studio my sister. We didn’t always get on with
4 cellar; cellar and 8 terrace each other and we often used to argue,
basement are similar so I’m glad I’ve got my own room now.
in meaning
The other thing I didn’t mind getting
2 1 H 2 D 3 B 4 F 5 G away from was the cold air that used
to come through the windows ’cos they
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