Page 136 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 136

Narrator:   Question 6. You hear two friends           thing to do. I understand people may
                               talking about a TV programme they            have little time to exercise and try to fit
                               have watched.                                it in between work or study and dinner-
                     Man:        I watched this programme about sleep       time, but you need to build up to being
                               the other night.                             slightly out of breath with an increased
                     Woman:      Oh, yeah, so did I – about the health      heart rate before you begin your main
                               benefits of getting enough?                   exercise session. Finding warm-up
                     Man:        Yeah, that’s it. They’ve done a ton of     activities you like doing will keep you
                               research into sleep. Did you know that       motivated.
                               your brain’s actually working harder   Narrator:   Now listen again.
                               when you’re asleep than when you’re
                               awake? That was unexpected!       Get it right!
                     Woman:      Really? I’d heard that previously. If   I know you don’t like sports. Neither / Nor do I.
                               I’m honest, there wasn’t an awful lot
                               that was new to me. But I ought to be   Listening Part 2:1
                               following the recommendations on how
                               to sleep better. The problem is I forget.  1  Noun: catering, chop, portion, taste, vitamin
                     Man:        Stuff like ensuring your bedroom’s dark     Verb: chop, consume, swallow, taste
                               enough, not thinking about the next     Adjective: balanced, catering
                               day’s challenges?                 2  1  balanced diet     7  chocolate
                     Woman:      Exactly. It was good to be reminded     2  fuel         8  chewing
                               about all that.                     3  fat(s)             9  coffee
                     Narrator:  Now listen again.                  4  quantities         10   (doing) exercise /
                                                                   5  recipes              (playing) sport(s)
                     Narrator:  Question 7. You hear an expert     6  sunlight
                               talking about what being healthy
                               really means.
                     Woman:      Being healthy isn’t just about physical   Narrator:      Track 4 Listening Part 2
                               fitness, but psychological well-being             Worksheet 1
                               too. No matter how well you eat or how        You will hear a girl called Lydia
                               much you exercise, if you’re burned out      giving a talk about a project she has
                               from working or studying all the time        been involved in on healthy eating.
                               and don’t build in a life beyond this,       For questions 1–10, complete the
                               it won’t do you any good. Most of us         sentences with a word or short
                               have listened to the warnings and make       phrase. You now have 45 seconds
                               time to spend with loved ones and            to look at the questions.
                               get to the gym. What’s failing to get   Lydia:     Hi, I’m Lydia and I’m going to tell you
                               through is what good nutrition means –       about a project I’m involved in about
                               we know we need certain vitamins for         how to have a healthy diet, as part
                               example, but still too many of us take       of our health and fitness campaign
                               them in tablet form instead of the food      at school. This is what’s otherwise
                               which contains them. Better education        known as maintaining a balanced diet.
                               is the key.                                  It’s crucial to eat properly in order to
                     Narrator:  Now listen again.                           decrease the risk of suffering from

                     Narrator:  Question 8. You hear a fitness               disease later in life.
                               expert talking about warming up                You could say that our body is a
                               before exercise.                             machine and that the food we eat is
                     Man:        Part of exercising safely is warming up    its fuel. Without it – or without the right
                               properly, especially if you’re going to      kinds of it – we’d find it difficult to study
                               do something high energy, like working       or move around without becoming weak
                               out in the gym. Yet too many people go       and exhausted.
                               straight out there without making sure         So, what does healthy eating really
                               their muscles are ready for exercise         mean? Everyone’s aware that there are
                               – which results in unnecessary injury –      certain foods we ought to avoid and
                               even while knowing this is the incorrect     others we should eat plenty of. It isn’t a

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