Page 135 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 135
5 get out of breath 7 keep in shape
6 work out 8 do someone good additional practice every Saturday
afternoon from one till three. Now,
3 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B contrary to what some of you might
5 A 6 A 7 C 8 B think, it’s not a record I set myself, nor
have I ever attempted any long jump
record – I’m much better suited to high
Narrator: Track 3 Listening Part 1 jump, as you know. Anyway, it’s quite a
Worksheet 3 while since the current record was set,
You will hear people talking in eight and though I know you probably think
different situations. For questions 1–8, it’ll be tricky to beat, with our training
choose the best answer (A, B or C).
facilities and your fitness levels, I see
Narrator: Question 1. You hear a teacher no reason why someone in this group
talking to her class. shouldn’t be able to do it!
Woman: I’ve been talking about the ‘walk ten Narrator: Now listen again.
thousands steps a day’ programme for Narrator: Question 4. You hear a girl telling
a while and I know some of you have a friend about lessons on eating
already been trying it out, counting your and exercising that she has done at
steps with the monitors you’ve been school.
given. Well done if you’ve been achieving Boy: What have you been doing in school
your daily goal! You can compare how recently?
you’ve been doing with one another, but
remember there’s no winner. You may Girl: We’ve been doing loads on health and
think ‘what’s the point, then?’. Well, it’s fitness – about eating and exercising. I
about keeping in shape. was already aware of some of the stuff
To persuade the rest of you to get going, we talked about – like the importance
of a balanced diet. I’ve always made
remember you don’t have to go to the the effort to eat carbohydrates, like
sports centre or anything – just keep pasta and potatoes, when I’m going to
moving – take the stairs instead of the lift gymnastics classes later, ’cos I know
or walk home rather than taking the bus. they give you energy. But apparently,
Narrator: Now listen again.
you can actually have more than I do
Narrator: Question 2. You hear two friends ’cos you burn it off. That was news to
talking about learning to ski. me. I’m sure what they said was right –
Girl: What do you think of our ski classes? but I feel OK with what I’ve been doing,
Boy: They’re great! I’ve wanted to learn for so I’ll just carry on as usual.
ages, so I’m keen to push myself as far Narrator: Now listen again.
as I can. Narrator: Question 5. You hear a student
Girl: Don’t you find it exhausting? You need talking to his sports teacher about
loads of strength to pick yourself up getting fit.
when you fall over – which I don’t seem Woman: How can I help you, Alex?
to have. Boy: I wondered if you could give me some
Boy: Yes, I suppose you do … but that’s not advice. I’m really into sports – I love our
an issue for me – I just can’t seem to get classes at school but I’d like to push
the turns right, no matter how hard I try. myself further.
Girl: Nor can I! But I’m sure we’ll get it one Woman: What did you have in mind?
day. Then we’ll have more of a laugh in Man: Well, I’m into running, as you know, and
the class. I wouldn’t mind entering some events
Boy: Yes, I’m looking forward to it! outside school, to see if I can beat other
Narrator: Now listen again. people my age. I’ve been trying to build
Narrator: Question 3. You hear a sports up my strength and stamina on the
instructor talking to an athletics machines at the gym – I asked a friend
class. of mine to train with me – and now I
Man: Right, who’s up for trying to beat the want to take things to the next level.
centre’s long jump record? For those of Woman: Let me see what I can find out for you.
you who are interested, we’ll be doing Narrator: Now listen again.
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