Page 38 - 08_Social_Studies and Population Education Book 8_2078 Revised and Updated Edition
P. 38

Evaluation Exercises


            1.  What would happen if there is no electricity?

            2.  What will happen if petrol, diesel, aviation fuel, kerosene and cooking gas
                are all used up by us?

            Very short answer questions
            1.  Write any four sources of energy.

            2.  Why is energy an essential part of human life?
            3.  Which is the first hydro-power project of Nepal? When was it established?

            4.  During whose reign Sundarijal Hydro-power Station established? Write its
                production capacity.
            5.  Mention any two effects of load-shedding.

            Short answer questions
            1.  Define energy and write its various sources.
            2.  What is the importance of energy? Make a list.

            3.  Write five solutions for the energy crisis of Nepal.
            4.  As  Nepal  is  rich  in  water  resources,  we  can  produce  plenty  of  hydro-

                electricity and export it to different countries for our economy benefits.
                What do you think need to be done to achieve this?
            5.  List the uses of electricity.

            6.  How can we minimize the problem of power shortage? Suggest the possible
                ways of solutions.

            Community Work

            Collect the list of different kinds of energy that has been used in your home,
            school or community. Also find out the uses of such energies.

            38  SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 8
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