Page 58 - 08_Social_Studies and Population Education Book 8_2078 Revised and Updated Edition
P. 58

Key Terms
            Consume        : buy goods and services
            Embody         : give a visible form to an idea, feelings or characteristics
            Interdependent : dependent on each other
            Irrigation     : to supply water on lands with the means of pipes
            Survival       : to live or to exist

                              Evaluation Exercises


            1.  List the things  that you and your family need to do to maintain  social
            2.  Present any effort made in your community for maintaining social harmony
                in the class.

            Very short answer questions
            1.  What is social harmony?

            2.  How do you maintain good relation with your friend? Write in a sentence.

            Short answer questions
            1.  List out the ideas that help in maintaining social harmony in the community.
            2.  How do you protect your own traditional identity and deal with people
                belonging to another traditional identity?

            3.  How are the different regions interdependent on each other?
            4.  Is there social harmony in your society? Why?

            Community Work

            Go around your community and visit at least 20 houses and fill the table given
            below. Then prepare a report on ‘Social harmony in my community’.

                Home            Cast/         Mother                      Disabled people
                Owner        Surname          Tongue        Religion           yes/no

            58  SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 8
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63