Page 30 - December Edition.cdr
P. 30
aggressive front fairing is designed oriented machine, the CFMOTO The bike's exposed frame, sharp
to improve aerodynamics, 675NK takes a more street- lines, and angular design elements
ensuring that the bike remains focused approach. The 675NK is a give it an aggressive look, while the
stable at high speeds. The naked bike that brings the same taller handlebars provide an
compact bodywork not only looks e n g i n e p e r f o r m a n c e a n d upright riding position that
visually striking but also reduces technology to urban streets and enhances comfort.
weight, contributing to the bike's daily commutes while offering a
overall agility. more upright, comfortable riding The bike is equipped with a larger
CFMOTO has paid particular position. fuel tank than the SR-R, making it
attention to the ergonomics of the more suitable for longer rides and
675SR-R. The bike features a 1. Engine and Power Delivery commuting. The seat has been
slightly higher handlebar Like the SR-R, the 675NK is ergonomically designed to provide
position compared to track-only powered by the 675cc, 3-cylinder comfort for the rider during longer
machines, offering a more engine. However, this model has journeys, making it a great option
comfortable and manageable been tuned for a more street- for daily use or weekend getaways.
riding posture for street use. The friendly power delivery. The engine
seat is sculpted to provide still produces around 100 4. Technology and Features
a d e q u a t e s u p p o r t d u r i n g horsepower, but the torque curve Just like the SR-R, the 675NK
a g g r e s s i v e r i d i n g w h i l e is optimized for better low-end comes equipped with modern tech,
maintaining comfort for longer response, making it more practical including:
trips. for everyday riding. The 675NK · Ride-by-wire throttle
offers ample power for city · Multiple riding modes for
4. Advanced Technology and commuting, highway cruising, and different conditions
Features even weekend canyon carving. · T F T d i s p l a y w i t h
The CFMOTO 675SR-R is The powertrain is also paired with a smartphone connectivity
equipped with the latest in 6-speed gearbox and features a · Traction control and ABS
motorcycle electronics and rider slipper clutch for smoother
aids. These include: transitions between gears. The These features ensure that the
· Ride-by-wire throttle: This focus here is on offering an 675NK is not only fun to ride but
advanced throttle system engaging yet manageable also safe and convenient for
provides smoother throttle experience for urban riders, while everyday use.
response and more precise still providing enough power to CFMOTO's
control. k e e p e x p e r i e n c e d r i d e r s
· Multiple riding modes: entertained on the weekends. Double Triple Treat: The 675SR-
With settings for different R and 675NK
conditions, riders can select 2. Chassis and Handling The CFMOTO 675SR-R and
between modes like Sport, The 675NK has a slightly different 675NK represent the brand's
Track, and Rain, adjusting approach to handling compared to c o m m i t m e n t t o o ff e r i n g
engine performance and the SR-R. Its geometry is designed motorcycles that combine
traction control accordingly. to be more forgiving for daily riding, performance, technology, and
· TFT display: The fully with a longer wheelbase and a versatility. The 675SR-R is ideal for
digital display shows more relaxed steering angle that riders who want a track-capable
essential riding information, results in a more stable ride at m a c h i n e w i t h s u p e r b i k e
such as speed, RPM, gear lower speeds. performance, while the 675NK
position, and fuel level. It The suspension on the 675NK is offers a more accessible yet
also features smartphone adjustable, but it is tuned to exciting option for those who prefer
connectivity for navigation provide more comfort over the naked bikes and daily riders.
and call management. bumps of city streets while still B o t h m o d e l s s h o w c a s e
· C o r n e r i n g A B S a n d offering a fun and engaging CFMOTO's ability to develop
Traction Control: These experience on twisty roads. The motorcycles that deliver cutting-
features work in harmony to brakes feature 320mm front e d g e t e c h n o l o g y, s u p e r b
provide safety and stability discs with twin-piston calipers, performance, and innovative
during hard braking and providing excellent stopping power design, all while offering great
acceleration, especially on for street use. value for money. As the brand
s l i p p e r y o r u n e v e n continues to expand its footprint
surfaces. 3. Styling and Comfort globally, the CFMOTO 675SR-R
The 675NK features a more and 675NK will likely become
The CFMOTO 675NK: The minimalist and aggressive design s t r o n g c o n t e n d e r s i n t h e
Street-Focused Naked Beast compared to traditional naked middleweight segment, appealing
While the CFMOTO 675SR-R is bikes, offering a balance between to a wide range of riders with
designed for riders seeking a track- raw performance and street style. varying needs and preferences. LHR
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