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P. 28

EICMA 2024: CFMOTO 675SR-R and 675NK -

                                        A Double Triple Treat

      CFMOTO,  which  has  rapidly              middleweight  segment,  offering           sophisticated, allowing for multiple
      evolved  from  a  manufacturer  of        motorcycles  with  advanced               riding  modes  that  adjust  power
      budget-friendly motorcycles into a        features,  superior  performance,         delivery,  throttle  response,  and
      brand  that  offers  cutting-edge          and stylish designs that appeal to a      traction control settings based on
      performance machines, continues           wider audience.                           the  rider's  preferences  or  the
      to make waves on the global stage.                                                  current  road  conditions.  These
      With  the  675SR-R  and  675NK,           The  CFMOTO  675SR-R:  The                electronic features ensure that the
      CFMOTO aims to cater to a diverse         Track-Ready Superbike                     675SR-R is not only powerful but
      range  of  motorcyclists,  from           The CFMOTO 675SR-R is a direct            also  manageable,  even  for  less
      performance enthusiasts to those          response  to  the  growing  demand        experienced riders.
      who want a naked bike that offers          f o r   p e r f o r m a n c e - o r i e n t e d
      both style and agility. These bikes       motorcycles that can excel both on        2. Chassis and Handling
      have been meticulously designed           the  street  and  the  track.  This       CFMOTO has invested heavily in
      with  a  focus  on  both  street          superbike-inspired  machine               refining the 675SR-R's chassis to
      performance  and  track-capable           brings  a  unique  blend  of  power,      ensure  exceptional  handling  and
      handling.                                 precision,  and  agility  to  the         responsiveness, whether on a race
      This article will provide an in-depth     middleweight  class,  combining           track or twisty mountain roads. The
      look  at  these  two  new  releases       cutting-edge  technology  with  a         frame is a combination of steel and
      from  CFMOTO,  analyzing  their           sleek, aggressive design.                 aluminum,  making  it  both
      design,  features,  performance                                                     lightweight  and  rigid,  which  is
      capabilities, and what makes them         1. Engine and Performance                 essential for precise steering and
      stand out in the highly competitive       At  the  heart  of  the  675SR-R  is  a   cornering.
      middleweight motorcycle market.           newly  developed  675cc,  3-              The  675SR-R  features  fully
                                                c y l i n d e r   e n g i n e ,   a   m a j o r   adjustable  suspension  on  both
      CFMOTO's  Evolution:  A  Look             departure  from  CFMOTO's                 ends, with a Showa front fork and
      Back                                      previous  twin-cylinder  offerings.        a  monoshock  rear.  These  high-
      Before diving into the specifics of        This  engine  configuration  is            quality  suspension  components
      the  CFMOTO  675SR-R  and                 designed to provide a smooth yet          p r o v i d e   s u p e r i o r   d a m p i n g
      CFMOTO 675NK, it's important to           punchy performance across the rev         performance,  improving  overall
      understand the brand's trajectory in      range,  making  it  ideal  for  both      stability  and  comfort.  The  brake
      the  global  motorcycle  market.          aggressive track days and spirited        system  features  dual  320mm
      CFMOTO, originally known for its          street riding.                            discs  with  radially  mounted
      budget-conscious  bikes,  has             T h e   e n g i n e   p r o d u c e s     calipers up front, ensuring that the
      steadily  transformed  into  a            approximately  105  horsepower,           675SR-R  has  no  trouble  bringing
      f o r m i d a b l e   p l a y e r   i n   t h e   making  it  competitive  in  the   its power to a stop, even after hard
      performance motorcycle segment.           middleweight  sportbike  segment,         acceleration on the track.
      The company, founded in 1989 in           where  it  will  compete  with            With a 17-inch front wheel and a
      China,  initially  made  its  mark  by    machines like the Yamaha R7 and           180mm  rear  tire,  the  675SR-R
      producing  affordable  off-road             Kawasaki  ZX-6R.  The  power              provides excellent grip, aiding both
      motorcycles, ATVs, and scooters.          delivery  is  linear,  and  the  engine   c o r n e r i n g   a n d   b r a k i n g
      However,  in  recent  years,              has been tuned to offer excellent          p e r f o r m a n c e .   I t s   s h o r t e r
      CFMOTO  has  entered  the  street         torque at both low and high revs.         wheelbase  and  sharp  steering
      and  sportbike  segments  with            Whether  you're  carving  through         geometry give the bike a nimble,
      i n c r e a s i n g   s o p h i s t i c a t i o n .   tight corners or blasting down long   agile feel, while still offering stability
      Collaborations  with  European            straights,  the  675SR-R's  engine        at  higher  speeds.  For  riders  who
      manufacturers like KTM and BMW            offers  the  right  balance  of            like to push the limits, the 675SR-R
      helped  boost  their  engineering         excitement and control.                   provides  the  ideal  setup  for  tight,
      capabilities  and  credibility.  The                                                technical  corners  and  aggressive
      introduction  of  models  like  the       The  675SR-R  comes  with  a  6-          track sessions.
      CFMOTO  300SR  and  CFMOTO                speed  gearbox,  which  is  paired
      650MT  marked  a  clear  shift            with a slipper clutch for smoother        3. Aerodynamics and Design
      towards  more  premium  offerings.         gear transitions and more stability       The  675SR-R  features  a  design
      With  the  release  of  the  675SR-R      w h e n   d o w n s h i f t i n g   d u r i n g   inspired  by  modern  superbikes,
      and 675NK, CFMOTO is doubling             aggressive  cornering.  The  bike's       with  sharp,  angular  lines  that
      down  on  its  commitment  to  the        engine  management  system  is            s c r e a m   p e r f o r m a n c e .   T h e

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