Page 24 - December Edition.cdr
P. 24
“In the 1950s, MV Agusta motorcycles
dominated the racing scene”
not as powerful as modern braking Disco Volante is a highly sought-
systems, they offered adequate after collector's item. Its rarity,
stopping power for the bike's combined with its historical
weight and speed. importance, makes it a prized
Performance possession for enthusiasts.
With a top speed of approximately Restored models often fetch high
110 km/h (68 mph), the Disco prices at auctions, and original,
Volante was one of the fastest unrestored examples are even
motorcycles in its class. Its more coveted.
Technical Specifications lightweight construction, combined
The Disco Volante wasn't just a with a high-revving engine, made it
design triumph; it was also a a formidable competitor on the
m a r v e l o f e n g i n e e r i n g , racetrack.
i n c o r p o r a t i n g a d v a n c e d
technology for its time. Racing Pedigree
The MV Agusta 175 CS was not
Engine just a road bike; it was also a racing
At the heart of the 175 CS was a thoroughbred. In the 1950s, MV
173.5cc four-stroke, single- Agusta motorcycles dominated the
cylinder engine. Air-cooled and racing scene, and the Disco
featuring overhead valve (OHV) Volante played a crucial role in
technology, the engine delivered solidifying the brand's reputation.
8.5 horsepower at 7,500 rpm. This The 175 CS was particularly
may sound modest by today's successful in endurance races, hill
standards, but in the mid-1950s, it climbs, and circuit competitions. Its
was a remarkable achievement for lightweight frame, agile handling,
a lightweight motorcycle. and reliable engine allowed riders
to push the limits on the track. The
The engine's bore and stroke were model became a favorite among
finely tuned to achieve an ideal privateers and factory-backed
balance of performance and teams, earning numerous victories
reliability. The single Dell'Orto across Europe.
carburetor ensured precise fuel Restoration and Preservation
delivery, enhancing throttle One of the most significant Restoring a Disco Volante is a
response and efficiency. achievements of the Disco Volante labor of love. Enthusiasts and
was its performance in the long- collectors invest significant time
Transmission distance Milano-Taranto race. This and resources to bring these
The motorcycle came equipped grueling event tested the durability machines back to their original
with a four-speed manual gearbox, and speed of motorcycles over glory. Sourcing authentic parts can
operated through a foot lever. The hundreds of kilometers, and the be challenging, given the limited
transmission allowed smooth and 175 CS consistently performed production numbers and the
precise gear changes, vital for admirably, further cementing its passage of time.
maintaining speed and control legacy.
during races or on the open road. Preserving the motorcycle's
C u l t u r a l I m p a c t a n d original features, such as its fuel
Suspension Collectibility tank, engine components, and
The Disco Volante featured a The Disco Volante holds a special frame, is crucial to maintaining its
telescopic fork at the front and twin place in motorcycle history not only value and authenticity. Restoration
shock absorbers at the rear, for its performance but also for its experts often rely on period
providing a comfortable yet cultural significance. During the photographs, factory manuals, and
responsive ride. This suspension 1950s, Italy was a nation on the historical records to ensure
setup ensured excellent handling, r i s e , a n d t h e m o t o r c y c l e accuracy.
even on uneven surfaces. symbolized freedom, mobility, and
innovation. The Disco Volante, with Legacy of the Disco Volante
Brakes its futuristic design and racing The 1954 MV Agusta 175 CS Disco
The drum brakes on both wheels success, embodied these ideals. Volante represents more than just
were standard for the era. While Today, the 1954 MV Agusta 175 CS a motorcycle; it is a testament to
Editorial sponsored by West Coast Motorcycles News