Page 20 - December Edition.cdr
P. 20
“BMW has long been known for producing high-quality,
performance-driven motorcycles”
3. Vintage and Modern both the aesthetics and
F u s i o n : T h e B u m b l e f u n c t i o n o f t h e b i k e .
Beemer doesn't rely solely Custom-built handlebars,
on modern materials and one-of-a-kind exhaust
technologies; it often systems, and intricate
features vintage-inspired metalwork are just a few of
design elements that the details that elevate the
reference the history of bike beyond a mere mode of
BMW motorcycles. This transportation into a piece of
fusion of the old and new art.
gives the bike a timeless
1. Aerodynamic Styling : feel. For example, the The Role of BMW in the Bumble
Another feature that stands s p e e d o m e t e r a n d Beemer's Design
out in the Bumble Beemer is dashboard may incorporate While the Bumble Beemer is a
its aerodynamic design. retro designs, while the custom creation, its roots in BMW
A l t h o u g h c u s t o m lighting system might use motorcycles are undeniable. BMW
motorcycles are often LED technology to achieve has long been known for producing
known for their avant-garde a m o r e f u t u r i s t i c high-quality, performance-driven
and rugged aesthetics, the appearance. This blend of motorcycles, and their influence
B u m b l e B e e m e r the past and present makes can be seen throughout the design
incorporates elements of the Bumble Beemer a of the Bumble Beemer. Whether it's
smooth, flowing lines meant homage to the history of the engineering of the engine, the
to improve both airflow and motorcycling while keeping craftsmanship of the frame, or the
speed. The design plays an eye on the future. smoothness of the ride, the DNA of
with curves and edges in BMW's commitment to quality is
such a way that, while the evident in the final product.
bike maintains its bold
character, it also embodies The relationship between custom
a sense of purpose and builders and manufacturers like
efficiency—appealing to BMW has evolved over the years.
both the rider and the While BMW has maintained its
traditional approach to motorcycle
design—focusing on engineering,
2. Frame and Suspension: p r e c i s i o n , a n d
The chassis of the Bumble performance—custom builders
Beemer incorporates a have begun experimenting with
lightweight but durable new aesthetics and alternative
frame, which is crucial in approaches. The Bumble Beemer
improving the bike's agility exemplifies this by combining
and overall handling. The cutting-edge engineering with bold
f r a m e o f t e n f e a t u r e s and imaginative design.
aluminum or carbon fiber
c o m p o n e n t s , w h i c h BMW motorcycles are also known
contribute to a weight for their stability and reliability. In
r e d u c t i o n w i t h o u t the world of custom motorcycles,
compromising strength. The the Bumble Beemer's underlying
suspension system is BMW foundation provides a sense
a n o t h e r a r e a w h e r e 4. Unique Accessories and of trustworthiness and security,
performance is prioritized. D e t a i l s : C u s t o m ensuring that the bike performs as
Custom suspension setups motorcycles are often well as it looks. Many riders of the
allow the bike to glide over defined by the attention to Bumble Beemer are drawn to this
various road conditions with detail in their accessories mix of performance and visual
ease, making it a versatile and finishing touches. The appeal.
machine suitable for both Bumble Beemer is no
city streets and long- exception, with each
distance cruising. element meticulously
designed to contribute to
Editorial sponsored by Collect a Bike Editorial