Page 15 - December Edition.cdr
P. 15

“Hayabusa has earned a reputation as the "king

                                                       of speed"

       the  Kawasaki  H2R  in  terms  of        e n g i n e   i s   v e r y   e ffi c i e n t   i n   design  compared  to  the  purpose-
       outright speed.                          generating  high  levels  of  power       built H2R.
       Key  Features  of  the  Suzuki           without relying on additional forced      3. Handling and Rideability
       Hayabusa Twin-Turbo                      induction like turbocharging.             While  power  and  top  speed  are
          ·  Engine:  Modified  1340cc           In  contrast,  the  Hayabusa  twin-       crucial,  handling  is  another
              inline-four  engine  with         turbo  setup  can  push  the  power       important  factor  that  separates
              twin-turbo setup                  o u t p u t   w e l l   b e y o n d   4 5 0   these  two  motorcycles.  The
          ·  P o w e r :   4 5 0 – 6 0 0        horsepower,  depending  on  the           Kawasaki  H2R  is  equipped  with
              horsepower (depending on          specific  turbocharger  setup  and         a d v a n c e d   s u s p e n s i o n
              modification level)                modifications.  This  significant           technology  (KECS),  which  helps
          ·  Torque:  500–600  Nm               increase in power comes from the          to  manage  the  bike's  immense
              (368–442  lb-ft)  (depending      addition  of  two  turbochargers,         power  and  provides  a  relatively
              on setup)                         which force more air into the engine      smooth ride, even at high speeds.
          ·  Weight:  Typically  250–300        and allow it to burn more fuel. The       The bike's design focuses heavily
              kg  (550–660  lbs)  with          Hayabusa  twin-turbo  can  easily         on  aerodynamics,  with  carbon
              modifications                      exceed 500 lb-ft of torque, which         fiber bodywork, an integrated rear
          ·  Top Speed: Estimated over          provides  incredible  straight-line       wing,  and  winglets  to  improve
              250  mph  (depending  on          acceleration. However, this power         stability at top speeds.
              setup)                            is not always as smooth or usable         The  Hayabusa  twin-turbo  is  a
          ·  Transmission:  Stock  6-           across all RPM ranges compared            more traditional sportbike, and its
              speed, heavily modified            to the supercharged H2R engine,           handling  largely  depends  on  the
          ·  Price:  Varies,  typically         which  has  a  more  linear  power        level  of  modification  it  has
              b e t w e e n   $ 2 0 , 0 0 0   t o   delivery.                             undergone.  A  heavily  modified
              $40,000  USD  for  heavily            ·  Kawasaki  H2R:  310  hp            Hayabusa will likely have a heavier
              modified versions                          (326  hp  with  ram-air)  and     weight,  which  can  affect  its
       The  Hayabusa  twin-turbo  setup                 165 Nm torque                     handling,  especially  during  high-
       takes the standard 1340cc inline-            ·  Hayabusa  Twin-Turbo:              speed  cornering.  The  addition  of
       four engine and forces air into the              450–600  hp  and  500–600         turbochargers  and  supporting
       combustion  chamber  using  two                 Nm torque                          modifications  can  make  the
       turbochargers.  This  results  in        2. Top Speed                              Hayabusa less agile, especially at
       massive  horsepower  and  torque         When it comes to top speed, both          lower  speeds  or  in  tight  corners.
       figures,  which  can  easily  exceed      bikes  are  in  an  entirely  different    That said, the Hayabusa is still an
       500  horsepower  in  some  cases,        league  from  most  production            extremely capable bike, especially
       making the twin-turbo Hayabusa a         motorcycles.  The  Kawasaki  H2R          in straight-line speed, but it is not
       serious  contender  against  any         has  a  theoretical  top  speed  of       designed  with  the  same  level  of
       s u p e r c h a r g e d   o r   n a t u r a l l y   around  249  mph  (400  km/h),   track-focused handling as the H2R.
       aspirated bike on the market.            though it is electronically limited to    4. Price and Value
       Performance  Comparison:  H2R            ensure  safety.  The  aerodynamic             ·  Kawasaki  H2R:  Priced  at
       vs Hayabusa Twin-Turbo                   design of the H2R, combined with                 around  $55,000  USD,  the
       When  comparing  the  Kawasaki           its supercharged engine, provides                H2R is a purpose-built track
       H2R and the Hayabusa twin-turbo,         a stable and powerful platform for               machine, designed for those
       we are looking at two bikes that are     high-speed runs on a closed track.               who  want  the  best  of  the
       built  for  one  singular  purpose:      The Hayabusa twin-turbo, on the                  b e s t   i n   t e r m s   o f
       speed.  However,  the  approach          other hand, can potentially exceed               performance,  technology,
       each bike takes to achieve that goal     the  top  speed  of  the  H2R                    and  design.  Its  price  tag
       is vastly different.                      depending on the turbo setup and                 reflects its status as a high-
       1. Power and Torque                      the  rider's  ability  to  manage  the           performance,  limited-
       The Kawasaki H2R is powered by           extreme  power.  With  the  right                production  bike  that  offers
       a  supercharged  inline-four             modifications,  a  Hayabusa  twin-                unparalleled  engineering
       engine  that  generates  about  310      turbo can reach speeds well over                 and cutting-edge features.
       horsepower (326 hp with ram-air).        250  mph  (402  km/h),  although          Hayabusa Twin-Turbo: While the
       This power is available throughout       these  numbers  can  vary  widely         s t o c k   H a y a b u s a   i s   m o r e
       the engine's rev range, with peak        based  on  the  specific  build.           affordable,  with  prices  typically
       power  delivered  at  high  RPMs,        However,  the  Hayabusa  is  more         ranging  from  $14,000  to  $20,000
       giving  the  H2R  remarkable             likely  to  face  stability  issues  and   USD,  the  twin-turbo  version  can
       a c c e l e r a t i o n   a n d   t o p - e n d   wind  resistance  at  such  extreme   cost  anywhere  from  $20,000  to
       performance.  The  supercharged          speeds due to its less aerodynamic        $40,000 USD.  LHR

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