Page 14 - December Edition.cdr
P. 14

Kawasaki H2R vs. Hayabusa Twin Turbo: A

                            Clash of Speed and Engineering

                                                  overall  design.  It  is  part  of  the   that  is  nearly  unmatched  in  the
                                                Kawasaki  H2  family,  which              world of production motorcycles.
                                                   includes  the  street-legal
                                                     Kawasaki  H2  and  the
                                                      race-only  H2R  variant.
                                                      While  the  H2  is  street-
                                                      legal  and  features  a
                                                      supercharged inline-four
                                                    engine, the H2R is a track-
                 hen  it  comes  to  high-        focused machine that takes
                 p e r f o r m a n c e          the performance to an entirely
       Wmotorcycles, few models                 new level.
       command  as  much  attention  and
       respect as the Kawasaki H2R and          Key  Features  of  the  Kawasaki              Introduction to the Suzuki
       the Suzuki Hayabusa, particularly        H2R                                                    Hayabusa
       the modified versions that feature            ·  E n g i n e :   9 9 8 c c ,
       turbochargers.  Both  machines                  supercharged  inline-four          The  Suzuki  Hayabusa,  originally
       r e p r e s e n t   t h e   p i n n a c l e   o f   engine                         introduced  in  1999,  became
       motorcycle  engineering,  with               ·  Power:  Approximately  310         legendary  for  its  top  speed  and
       unmatched  power,  cutting-edge                 horsepower  (with  ram-air,        aerodynamic  design.  Over  the
       technology, and insane top speeds.              up to 326 hp)                      years, the Hayabusa has earned a
       However,  when  pitting  these  two          ·  Torque:  Around  165  Nm           reputation  as  the  "king  of  speed"
       motorcycles against each other in a             (121 lb-ft)                        and is widely regarded as one of the
       h e a d - t o - h e a d   c o m p a r i s o n ,   ·  Weight: 216 kg (476 lbs)      fastest  production  motorcycles  in
       especially  with  a  twin-turbo              ·  Top Speed: 249 mph (400            the  world.  The  original  Hayabusa
       Hayabusa up against the factory-                km/h) (limited)                    was designed with a 1300cc inline-
       supercharged  Kawasaki  H2R,                 ·  Transmission:  6-speed,            four  engine,  and  while  it  wasn't
       we're  looking  at  two  beasts  that           dog-ring                           supercharged  like  the  Kawasaki
       come  from  different  engineering            ·  Technology:  Kawasaki              H2R, it earned a reputation for its
       philosophies,  yet  share  one                  E l e c t r o n i c   C o n t r o l   top-end power and refinement.
       common goal: speed.                             (KECS),  Bosch  9.1  MP
       In  this  article,  we  will  take  an  in-     ABS,  launch  control,               The Hayabusa Twin-Turbo: A
       depth  look  at  the  Kawasaki  H2R             t r a c t i o n   c o n t r o l ,          Modified Monster
       and  the  Hayabusa  twin-turbo.                 quickshifter,  and  power          While  the  stock  Hayabusa  has
       We'll  explore  their  respective               modes                              remained  a  high-performance
       design philosophies, performance,            ·  Chassis: Lightweight frame         motorcycle  in  its  own  right,  many
       technical  specifications,  and  the             w i t h   a d v a n c e d          enthusiasts take it a step further by
       pros  and  cons  of  each  machine.             aerodynamics                       modifying it for even greater power,
       We'll  also  discuss  how  these  two        ·  Price: Around $55,000 USD          speed, and thrill. One of the most
       bikes stack up against one another                                                 extreme modifications is the twin-
       in  terms  of  performance,  speed,      The H2R's crowning feature is its         turbo Hayabusa, where the stock
       and overall riding experience.           supercharged  engine.  Kawasaki           e n g i n e   i s   fi t t e d   w i t h   t w o
                                                introduced forced induction to the        turbochargers to boost its power
         Introduction to the Kawasaki           world  of  superbikes  with  the  H2      to astronomical levels.
                       H2R                      series,  marking  a  significant           T h e   t w i n - t u r b o   H a y a b u s a
                                                departure  from  the  traditional         modification  typically  involves  the
       The Kawasaki H2R is one of the           naturally aspirated setups in most        addition  of  turbochargers,  custom
       m o s t   e x o t i c   a n d   e x t r e m e   high-performance  motorcycles.     fuel  mapping,  upgraded  fuel
       motorcycles  ever  produced.  The        The  H2R's  998cc  engine  is             injectors,  and  other  supporting
       H2R  was  designed  to  push  the        equipped  with  a  centrifugal            modifications  to  handle  the
       b o u n d a r i e s   o f   m o t o r c y c l e   supercharger, which provides an   increased  power.  The  result  is  a
       performance, and Kawasaki did not        enormous  boost  in  power  output,       bike  that  can  easily  surpass  the
       hold  back  when  it  came  to  the      especially  at  higher  RPMs.  This       original Hayabusa's power figures
       powertrain,  aerodynamics,  and          results  in  a  power-to-weight  ratio    and potentially rival or exceed the

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