Page 10 - December Edition.cdr
P. 10
"Garage" Custom Built by Louis Prinsloo:
A Testament to Passion, Craftsmanship, and Innovation
The "Garage" build represents a redesigned, and rebuilt with
significant milestone in Louis’s meticulous attention to detail.
career, reflecting not just his
technical abilities but also his One of the standout features of the
creative vision. What started as a "Garage" build is the custom frame
simple project grew into something work. Louis worked tirelessly to
far more complex—a symbol of his shave and reshape the frame,
evolution as a builder and his giving it a more aggressive, sleek
desire to create motorcycles that profile. The lines were carefully
are both functional and visually crafted to ensure a balance
striking. b e t w e e n a e s t h e t i c s a n d
f u n c t i o n a l i t y, w i t h e v e r y
The Concept Behind "Garage" modification being made to
improve the bike's performance
At the heart of the "Garage" build is without sacrificing its visual appeal.
a focus on individuality and
personal expression. Louis The engine was another area
believes that each custom bike where Louis’s expertise shone
should tell a story and reflect the through. Using a combination of
n t h e w o r l d o f c u s t o m personality and tastes of its creator. old-school mechanical knowledge
m o t o r c y c l e s , w h e r e For this project, he envisioned a and modern technology, he
Icraftsmanship meets creativity, bike that would be unique, blending carefully stripped down and rebuilt
there are a select few who stand elements of classic styling with the engine to ensure it was running
out for their commitment to modern performance. The name at optimal performance. The
excellence. One such individual is "Garage" reflects the humble engine work was not just about
Louis Prinsloo, whose journey b e g i n n i n g s o f m a n y g r e a t power—it was about precision,
through the world of bikes and builds—born out of a personal longevity, and making sure the bike
custom builds is as inspiring as the workshop, fueled by passion and would be able to handle whatever
motorcycles he creates. His latest the pursuit of craftsmanship. the road could throw at it.
project, simply known as "Garage,"
is more than just a bike; it is the The goal was clear: to create a But the "Garage" build is more than
culmination of years of experience, motorcycle that was not only a just mechanical work—it’s a
passion, and dedication to the craft functional machine but also an art testament to Louis’s ability to
of custom motorcycle building. piece that could stand proudly in visualize a bike as a whole. From
any custom bike show. Louis custom-machined components to
The Birth of the "Garage" Build wanted to build a bike that the hand-built exhaust system,
represented the essence of every aspect of the build was
L o u i s P r i n s l o o ’ s l o v e f o r motorcycle culture—a fusion of old- designed to work together as part
motorcycles began in the mid-70s school charm with cutting-edge of a cohesive whole.
with a humble Suzuki AC50cc, and design.
since then, his journey has been Design and Aesthetics: Old
one of continual learning, The Build Process: Innovation School Meets New School
experimentation, and innovation. Meets Tradition
Over the years, his passion for While the mechanical work was
motorcycles evolved into a deep Louis’s approach to building paramount, the design of the
understanding of bike mechanics, custom motorcycles is grounded in "Garage" build was where Louis
design, and customization. From a deep respect for traditional truly allowed his creativity to
his early rebuilds to his more craftsmanship, but with a forward- flourish. He drew inspiration from a
ambitious custom creations, Louis thinking mindset. The "Garage" variety of styles, from the café racer
has honed his skills and developed build was no different. It started with aesthetic to modern streetfighter
a r e p u t a t i o n f o r p u s h i n g a solid foundation—an existing i n fl u e n c e s , b l e n d i n g t h e m
boundaries in the world of motorcycle that was stripped down seamlessly into a one-of-a-kind
motorcycle modification. to its bare bones. Every part of the custom machine.
bike was carefully assessed,
Editorial sponsored by City Bowl Recovery