Page 36 - December Edition.cdr
P. 36
Top nine motorcycle safety tips
How to stay safe when riding your motorcycle on the road
Motorcycling is dangerous. That is what everyone says, right? A common story is of people who like the
idea of riding motorcycles, but never have because their mother/father/older sibling/significant other told
them it wasn't safe.
Of course, motorcycling does indeed carry some risk, but it can be a lot safer than many doubters or
critics make it out to be. There are many things you can do to minimise the danger, and many (if not
most) accidents occur because people don't follow these basic safety guidelines.
So, how can you stay safe when riding your motorcycle? Here are nine essential tips that will help keep
you upright and out of harm's way.
additional coaching and training. experience levels or ability. You
There are a wide variety of courses, might be attempting to keep up
instructors, and schools in South Africa with or race your mates, or you
that cover a range of disciplines. might just get a sudden rush of
Brushing up on your skills (or confidence, but it's important to
learning new skills) will not only keep real and only ride within
keep you safe, but make the riding your comfort zone. Similarly, it
experience a lot more enjoyable. of might be tempting to invite a
good quality and undamaged. partner or your children to ride
There is no shame in getting some pillion with you, but not even love
1. Wear the right gear training. is worth stacking your bike for. If
While it is very tempting to ride in you're new to riding, or not
what you feel comfortable wearing, experienced, then leave your
the most important thing you can significant other at home for the
do as a motorcyclist is wear the time being and build up those
correct safety gear. A helmet is a skills first. The same goes for
legal requirement in Australia, but riding big bikes. Start on
everything else is up to you. Proper something small and easy to
motorcycle gear is made from handle and build up from there.
much tougher materials than
regular clothes (and your skin) and
is designed to minimise the risk of
serious injury in the event of a 3. Maintain your motorcycle
crash. At the very least, you should Keeping your bike in tip top shape
have a proper motorcycle jacket, will not only save your wallet, but it
Kevlar jeans, motorcycle gloves, could save your life too. A poorly
and motorcycle shoes or boots. maintained motorcycle can put you
Adding things like armour, back at risk of a crash due to things like
protectors, and knee guards is also brake failure, blown tyres, leaking
recommended, while you should fluids, and seized engines. There 5. Be aware of your
also check your helmet is are plenty of things you can check surroundings
2. Get training yourself at home, but a visit to a This is a personal observation,
qualified mechanic is always a but lack of awareness is one of
good idea. the biggest dangers to
motorcyclists. It is essential that
you stay focused and be aware of
everything around you to ensure
you stay out of harm's way. That
includes in front, side to side, and
behind. Always head-check
before changing lanes, and use
your mirrors regularly. Also keep
Swallow your pride and go get your head up when riding to
some motorcycle training. Of ensure you spot potential danger
course, this is a requirement when 4. Ride within your abilities nice and early.
getting your licence, but even long- It can be easy to get caught up in
time riders can benefit from some the moment and ride beyond your
Editorial sponsored by Collect a Bike Service News