Page 37 - December Edition.cdr
P. 37
“You might be attempting to keep up with or race your mates”
8. Slow down
It sounds obvious, but it is very
easy to go too fast on a motorcycle.
Some bigger bikes also give you a
difference sense of speed,
meaning you will feel like you are
going slower than you actually are.
Motorcycles are designed to go
6. Look out for hazards
Following on from that, make sure fast, but save the lap records for the
track and stick to the speed limit. It
you stay alert for any potential
hazards on the road. These include will help keep you out of danger, but
also allow you to enjoy the journey
potholes, oil spills, black ice,
debris, animals, and more. The and take in your surrounds. If you
want to test the ability of you and
more focused and alert you are, the your machine, there are legal ways
sooner you spot hazards, and the
more time you have to react. It will to do that
result in a safer and ultimately less
9. Relax
7. Plan for the weather And that brings us to the last point –
Always check the weather forecast just relax and have fun. It can be
before you leave and plan for the easy for less experienced riders to
conditions. Riding in wet or windy let stress and panic overcome
weather presents a whole set of them, but keeping calm and
new challenges, while riding in collected will prevent you from
e x t r e m e h e a t i s e q u a l l y making incorrect or irrational
challenging. If it is cold and wet, decisions on the road. If you follow
wear suitable gear and take your all the above points, then
time navigating the conditions. On motorcycle riding can actually be
the flipside, if it is hot, wear very safe. So don't fret – just smile
breathable and lightweight gear, a n d e n j o y t h e r i d e !
and take plenty of fluids with you. . LHR
But never resort to wearing
'Queensland leathers' (singlet,
shorts, thongs) – it's not worth
losing skin for.stressful ride.
Editorial sponsored by Collect a Bike Service News