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THABTHABAT Contracting Est.
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Our Services
Water & Sewage
01 02 03
Provide all kinds of tests:
(Pressure, This includes:
Chl orizati on, ...etc .) Providing office
before and after the specializes in offering
installation process to Provide a prospective
ensure their study for the network consulting services to
effectiveness, quality and work provide quality control
conformity to Provide engineering
specifications and designs for the external for projects under
standards approved by networks implementation and
the client and consultant Provide different kinds of
Carry out tests prior to pipes submission of all studies
the adoption of the client Provide the channels (feasibility, technical,
and consultant for the networks and manholes administrative .. etc.)
materials which have not
been approved yet Integrated economic required for any water
analysis of projects
project in terms of type,
size and how
Testing Services Engineering Works to External Network Consultancy
04 05 06
Plans for maintenance Supply and installation of
Design of water networks include: polyethylene, ceramic,
and lines carrier and Maintenance and plastic, ductile iron pipes
feeder lines main and operation of utilities and of diameters from 100
branch and sewage plants of water and mm to 1200 mm for
networks and reservoirs sanitation networks of modern,
of all kinds and sizes Locate the leak and repair including (Channels
according to customer systems and manholes),
specifications approved Replacement of pipes and counters and valves
by providing an of all sizes and types and
integrated team trained Relocation of manholes feeding lines main and
to survey sites and or replaced sub purification stations
referred to the AutoCad the work of cutting and according to the
scheme and adopt by the specifications and
client standards approved by
the client and consultant
Design Services Maintenance of External Networks Establish External Networks
THABTHABT CONTRACTING EST. Our Services: Page 15 of 17